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   Hi, my name is Lillian, if it wasnt obvious considering this is indeed, Lillianspeaks. I'm young, and lost in a thing called love, that is why I'm making this site. I'm not exactly hoping to get famous, because this is more of a place to vent, I guess. I honestly dont think friends, or anyone in the world for that matter is going to see this, so let me tell you about myself. I'm young, not saying how young, but you may be able to tell by my lack of spelling and grammar. I live in the U.S.A., not saying where, but lets just say, I'm not living in the 'big city' as you may think. I live in the casual suberbs and I usually think my life is a bore, until December 4, 2011, when I moved only about a mile and a half away, but thats a mile and a half to far. I moved away from my friends and my school. I switched schools, and became a totally different person. I worked harder in school, forgot about my old friends, made a new friend and became part of her whole group. I seemed to have it all, but actually, I didn't. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when I was 8, suffered a eating disorder with I was 10, and I was starting to get intereseted in boys. I thought I was falling in love hard and fast. Nope. Fake as the friends in my old group. They all made me feel unwanted and unloved. I ditched the bitches and walked alone. I'm still alone. I shouldn't say alone. I should say independent. That's what I am, independent. And lonely.