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My Personal Experience

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My Dad

This is my Dad. After he went on a trail he went swimming in a little mini lake right by the parking lot. He said the water was cold but very refreshing after a long hike.



This is my brother and I. We are standing in front of one of the falls, this one is called Vista point. It was cold in the morning but but afternoon it was hot. You could get up close and personal with many of the falls and get your picture taken.

Trail Sign

My Brother and I




This is me taking a picture in front of the big view of Yosemite. You could see all of the mountains. You had to take a drive up one of the sides of a mountain, then walk to the rest of the way up to the viewing area. The view was amazing.


This is one of the many warning signs they have around the park, especially near the waterfalls. Some of the sign are very funny. What is mostly funny is the pictures they have.

Danger Sign

Warning Sign