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Why people purchase life insurance? Actually life insurance is for the security of the financial state of the human. Even if you are over 60 years you need a life insurance to give security to your family. When you look for life insurance over 60 it is easy for you to purchase because you are still good in health and you can get the best policy. Life insurance at age of 80 becomes critical to get as at this age most of the people suffer from major health issues. If one has health issue it becomes hard for him to get a good policy at low cost.

When you reach at the age of 60 years, it is the time when you just retired from your job. You get money on your bank but you should use them properly and do the best for you family as you are a responsible person of your family. If you purchase a life insurance over 60 you can easily do the task to give financial support to your family after your death. Death is always sudden to planning from the beginning is important for your beloved one’s security. On the other hand you have to pay the burial expenses which is increasing too fast so planning is important.

Which type of life insurance I need?

There is no straight answer of this question. Type of life insurance actually depends on your need and your financial condition. There are basically two different life insurance policies which are popular; they are term life insurance and whole life insurance. You can choose term life insurance which is cheaper than whole life insurance. The time period for term life insurance could be 10 years, 20 years even 30 years. As you are 60 years a term life insurance is enough to cover your needs.

Whole life insurance could be another choice if you are looking for huge coverage. Older people usually purchase whole life insurance but you can have it too if you need huge coverage.

Life insurance over 60 & Bad Health:

Health problem at the age of 60 is the most common matter. If you have minor health problem; that is not a big problem while purchasing a policy. But if you have major health problem you can’t get a normal life insurance policy. You have to look for no exam life insurance policy. This policy doesn’t require any physical exam. You just apply for the policy and agree with the premium.