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Nit Works is the largest group of lice treatment Toronto services providing lice detection, treatment and education for families battling head lice in toronto.  We have serviced thousands of satisfied customers, including Medical Professionals, who tell friends, family and refer others to our clinics.   We have been successful in our goal to not only treat and eradicate head lice, but to remove the stigma attached to this nuisance.



Head lice affects people of all ages, cultures, income brackets and hair type.   None of us are immune and we have found that over 90% of our clients prefer to come to our clinics over home visits.   Our clinics have bright lighting, salon chairs, private treatment rooms for each client, games and snacks and specially trained technicians.   This has drawn families to our clinics and we have thousands of satisfied customers that receive our Nit Works GUARANTEE that they will be lice free through our treatment cycle.  We also equip our clients with the tools and knowledge they need to deal with future infestations in a few simple, easy to follow steps.




Nit Works is proud to introduce to Canada the LiceLogic family of products.  LiceLogic is a full line of natural, safe and effective head lice treatment and prevention products shown to eliminate and destroy nits and lice on contact.  The creator and founder of LiceLogic, Jill Taft, says “I became passionate about finding safe, eco-friendly alternatives for all of the chemical products we use on our loved ones.”  As mothers ourselves, we totally agree!  We carry the full line of LiceLogic in our salons for purchase.  They are non-toxic, natural, paraben, pesticide and sulfate free and are gentle enough for daily use.  In addition, our Nit Works technicians are caring, patient and knowledgeable and will provide you with the information and service you need.




We offer clinic hours from morning to early evening that cater to even the busiest of families.   We provide our Nit Work to families when needed and have staff on site so we can treat clients with little to no wait time when an appointment is needed.   Please call us today to arrange for an appointment and we are available 7 days a week.  Ourlice treatment toronto success using the Shepherd Method of Strand by Strand Nit Removal has been so well received and our methodical approach to lice treatment is consistently provided by our technicians.  Flexible hours, clinic convenience, complimentary follow-up visit, flexibility of home visits, multiple locations including Central Toronto, Bloor West Village and Thornhill make Nit Works the #1 Choice in Toronto for Head Lice Treatment.  Let us do your Nit Work today!!!!