Liberty and Justice
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Serving the truth for a better America

Lets start with defining some little known realities

Web Sites with reliable information on Iraq/Iran

The Top Ten Bush Lies
Most Iraqis want us out of Iraq, now
Americans, don't think we are winning the "war on terror"
The surge isnt working
Iran's military
Use of Force Resolution S. J. RES. 23

These, are my points of debate, I stand behind them. If you would like to debate them, pick ONE, and I will be happy to debate it with you. I will only debate, one, on one, in public. If personal insults are used the debate is over, and victory goes to the insulted.

A special note of thanks to the merciless, (WARLORD6), for his unwavering protection. Thank you all, who have debated with me.

Thank you for visiting my site, I will keep working on it as time permits. :)