"Player of the Month":



a monthly competition that motivates people to cap out guild experience each day.
At the end of each week, personal contribution to guild experience will be recorded via wowarmory.com interface. After 4 weeks, the person with the highest total contribution will win a designated prize. In order to qualify for a second or third place prize, contribution must be within 5% of the first place winner.



At the end of the 4 weeks:

Player A contributes 1587961058 experience to the guild.

Player B contributes 1580563005 experience to the guild.

Player C contributes 1245995605 experience to the guild.

Player A will receive the first place prize. Since Player B's contribution is within 5% of Player A's contribution, Player B qualifies for a second place prize. Player C does not receive a prize because he/she was within ~22% of Player A's contribution, which is greater than the optimal 5%.


Possible Rewards:

would be determined based on what is reasonable and within guild's budget


         First Place: 2000g

       *Second Place: 1000g

     **Third Place: 750g


* and ** will only be disbursed if and only if the contribution value of both Player B and Player C are within 5% of Player A.



If in later months we are thriving financially, we can offer a larger gold reward to first place if there happens to only be one winner. We would also need to take into consideration of guild level caps and the significance of guild experience at high levels. Ideally, would like to monitor guild experience contributors for as long as we can. This would need to be done via spreadsheets. Uploaded weekly to a public place for people to see their progress.




aka most valuable player; a weekly contest that is fueled solely by an individual's participation in the guild.

An individual may be nominated at any time (possibly only by officers + raiders?) during the raid week but are due by Monday at 12pm server. Officers may also be nominated. If a raider is nominating someone, they must provide an example of where that person has earned a nomination (officers need not provide reason, although would be nice) in order for it to be accepted. An individual is typically nominated when they are a positive contribution to the guild, whether it they are continuously top dps/heals, attending every raid, being prepared for raid, volunteering to sit out during raids, helping other guildies out, or is able to fill multiple roles. This is a fairly open ended contest. Promotes people to be mindful of other players and their needs (not be loot whores) through guild-wide recognition. Since we will not be operating on DKP at this time, would be a great way to acknowledge good players. Easy to maintain and produce a 'winner' each week.

Possible Rewards: ideally not be of monetary value due to frequency of reward


  • Acknowledged for an entire week in GMOTD
  • Immunity from sitting out for raid (if permissible) for a raid night of choice
  • Ability to use guild repairs for one raid night (if we designate the day as a loot farming day, the costs to repair is reduced due to minimal deaths)
This would be a continuous and on-going contest that requires massive amounts of participation from guild members. This 'contest' will only be worth while if we have people participating. Initial participation is expected to be low. If participation is continuously low, we may introduce better rewards at a later date as a greater incentive. Good way to boost morale and promote good behavior within the guild.

"Item Point System":
a system that allows people to sell stacks of usable/valuable items to the guild at a discounted price
People will be able to sell useful items to the guild at a discounted rate in order for the guild to produce items cheap (ie. flasks, crafted boes, etc.) or otherwise profit from reselling. For a certain amount of gold that the guild is discounted by the individual (ie. 100g discounted), the individual will receive 1 point. These points will correspond to a reward table and will be redeemable by the end of each month. People interested in redeeming their rewards should request their reward at least 3 days before the month's end via in-game mail, as it may not otherwise be available. This system could otherwise be considered as an 'investment' program in order to kick-start the guild's economy. Allows people to sell what they have as they have it to support guild, and be able to redeem their credits or points at a later date for great rewards that they may not otherwise be able to afford.

Guild buys stacks of mats (usable, high demand) at 70% of typical or average rate (or we could set prices).
For every 100g the guild saves, a person earns a single point.

A member mails a stack of volatile life, for instance. Typically, a stack of volatile life is 100g, and can sometime be seen on the AH for 90g. We would average these prices to get a value of 95g.
The guild would pay: 95*0.70= 66.5g per stack.
The approximate discount received by the guild is: 95-66.5g= 28.5g
Therefore the 1 stack of volatile life would be worth 0.285 points.
It would take 7 stacks of volatile life sold to the guild to be worth 1 point.

A possible reward table could look like this:
10 LFC points redeemable for a qualifying Maelstrom Enchant (ie. boots, bracers, chest, gloves)
15 LFC points redeemable for a greater Maelstrom Enchant (ie. Weapon, Cloak)

This would convert to:
10 LFC x 200g = 2000g saved by the guild
15 LFC x 200g = 3000g saved by the guild

The average Maelstrom Enchant calls for 1-3 Maelstrom Crystals, averaging at about 2.
At today's cost of Maelstrom Crystal of approx. 1000g each, the enchants received by redeeming 10 LFC would be approximately equal to 1000-3000g each, with other mats typically required (volatiles, dusts, essences, etc.).

Currently, we are disenchanting a lot of gear and would not cost us anything to do this. Also, at a later date, Maelstrom Crystals will be a lot more accessible (and deflated) due to being able to purchase them via non-gold currency in-game.

The greater Maelstrom Enchants call for 4-6 Maelstrom Crystals.
At today's cost: 15 LFC converts to approx. 4000-6000g.

The difference between enchants is up to 3 Crystals.

It appears that we would likely be losing money through this program, however, taking deflation and the frequency of disenchanting gear into consideration, we will be able to provide our raiders with the best enchants at a relatively cheap price.