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Saturday, 19 January 2008
At Deaths Door
Mood:  bright

This poem was inspired by the Holy Spirit and i want to share it with you!

At deaths door

I glance around
Fear grabs my mind
Shadows overpower
Blood rushes too slow
Seconds tick ages
Death comes face to face 
Panic freezes the scream
I see the flash
Horror grabs my heart
Footsteps flee
Blood thick
So warm so slow so faint
I hear pressure in my ear 
Power drains
So cold
Heartbeat grows so faint
Silence so thick
The smell so vile
Hovering above he smiles
Death so real 
No pain to feel
The face I see
Too bright to bear
Warmth so real
Resting place
Fire from His eyes
Then a tear to tell
His not to be       
His face turns slowly
No! I shout
This cant be
“I know you not”
Words like fire
Pierces my soul
Cast away! 
Panic stricken I beg
My soul ripped away
Laughter so hoarse
Harder it grows
Falling faster
Always down
Darkness so thick
Shadows so real
Hope disappears 
Echoing the voice
He is the way bellows the preacher
He is the truth
Could this be true?
He is the life
The preacher seems so cool 
The heat unbearable
Sudden as the smell
Hits like the sound
Billions in pain
Laughter so hard
This place so real
Chance lost forever    
Fire His hatred
No mercy
Hatred prevails
You haven’t overcome
Laughter so cruel
Pain unbearable
Wave upon wave
As he destroys
The image he hates  
Wake up I must
No longer can I bear
Such a dream
So clear, can it be
Shadows tower
Crushing my skull
Pain floods my soul
Ripping me back
Can this be?  
Reality struck
No dream but real
Forever to bear
So unreal
I live I feel
The worm I see
Eating my flesh away
Wake up I must
O no I scream
This cant be
Hell is a Fairy-tale
I don’t believe
This is so real
I died yet I live
Could this be?  
He is love
I said
Would He dare?
Putting me here
Naked I bear
Unimaginable pain
Then I know
Who’s to blame?
Had my chance
Now lost forever 
By: Louis Fourie.

Posted by lfccrail at 7:49 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 19 January 2008 9:41 AM EST
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