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The Yorkshire terrier is a confident, courageous, intelligent and very independent dog. It was first breed to be a rat catcher, and a hunting dog because of its courageousness and the knowledge that being small does not mean being weak. The Yorkie is a small dog with long hair and a tan and blue coat. The average weight is three to seven pounds and it height is six or seven inches. The coat is usually blue on the body and tan on the face, ears, and legs. The yorkie is very confident, loving and extremely playful.

For more information on the Yorkshire Terrier click here.

The Australian Silky Terrier is a little bigger then the Yorkie and is known for its loyalty. Silkys were bred as housedogs and are wonderful watchdogs. They usually choose one person and attach to that person more then anyone else, but they are friendly to everyone including children. Although at first they can be shy and suspicion of other dogs and people, they are always friendly. Some silkys with be shy at first, then go straight up to the stranger with a wagging tail, hoping to be pet, but others will remain shy, and stay by their owner. Silkys love to be part of the family, but treated as an equal.

For more information on the Australian Silky click here.

Sophie is a Yorkie Silky Terrier. She has all of the traits of both a Yorkie and silky making her a wonderful, loving and friendly part of our family.