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How Does Your Garden Grow?

If we were to ask a modern day “Mary, Mary quite contrary”; she might well reply:- “with Apollo Led Grow Lights”. These days, you do not have to go out of doors to plant seeds and raise plants of virtually any type. You don’t even need soil!

Mary’s Indoor Garden

If, for example, the quite contrary Mary lived on the 12TH floor of an apartment block; but still longed for a garden; she might decide to grow her flowers indoors. Seeds are easy to buy and they can be planted in artificial soil grow bags; water can come straight from the faucet and she has enough space in her spare room. Her centralized air conditioning and heating system can be set at individual levels for each room and she decides she is ready to give it a go. The seeds germinate; the seedlings look a bit straggly but are growing – for a while – then they begin to look positively sickly; eventually they die before producing even a single flower

Then, She Saw The Light

What did she do wrong? She overlooked one important facet of plant growth – photosynthesis. This is the process where plants extract energy from the sun’s rays to fuel their growth. Her spare room only had one window and there was simply not enough light coming through to promote healthy plant growth.

She Needed Artificial Grow Lights

A rainbow shows us that the sunlight is made up of a spectrum of different light rays with different frequencies and energy properties; only some of which are visible to the naked eye. . At night when we switch on our electric lights; all we need is to produce light to drive out the darkness and we are not too worried about any heat generated by the light bulb (even though that heat increases our electricity bill). Unfortunately, our “lamp” light is not quite right for a plant’s photosynthesis mechanism; additionally, most plants will hate the heat from the bulb.

For grow lights, you need light that is specially tuned to the plant’s requirements. The best light to promote plant growth is that provided by light emitting diodes (LED’s) and some of the best for this are the Led Grow Lights or visit this page. Once Mary had installed Apollo Led Grow Lights, her garden really blossomed.

Some grow lights come with ballasts, which are additional circuitries. They are required in conventional grow lights, and the lights can be costly to run if they have ballasts incorporated into their designs. You should try and avoid these at all costs. Although they are efficient at encouraging plant growth, they are not very energy efficient. A grow light isn’t just a light. It produces wavelengths which help the plant to develop and grow under set conditions. Although the light may seem the same to the human eye, it is quite different. You should check to see what wavelength your light emits, to make sure that it is the right one for your plants. LED lights emit red and blue, which is great for both young and maturing plants. Choosing the wrong wavelength of light could stunt the growth of your plants, causing them to wither over time. The company that you purchase your lights from should be able to provide assistance in helping you to select the lights that are right for your needs.