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Blackheart Pirates Ettenmoors Tactics

I am not the best pvper. Not by a long shot. Nor do I believe I can devise the greatest strategies possible. But I have gathered many tactics during my experiences within the moors. I’ve killed a good bit more creeps than I’ve died to. And it all starts with good teamwork. I would just like to say that none of this information is a requirement. Nor is it necessary. But if you want to kill a serious number of creeps like me, than this may be some pretty good information for you.

1. First and foremost, listen to the leader. Even if you out-rank them or feel that you have a better idea. The raid must follow a single brain to work as a single unit.

2. Watch your radar every chance you get. Stick with the group and be wary of your position in the raid. The raid should look like a big cluster on the radar. Here is a basic battle formation. Get very familiar with this formation.

Of coarse this does not exactly apply when the raid is mounted. But it does help if you can get in to this formation as quickly as possibly after the raid dismounts. If the raid is moving, do not dismount until the leader says to. Only Hunters should dismount periodically to track. If you need to go afk, it is probably best to put a Loremaster on follow. Loremasters may have a chance to Stun/Root/Mezz anyone who decides to attack you. Melee classes are bad, because they may have to charge in to battle. Point is stick with the raid at all times.

3. Keep your raid assist target window up and be ready to hit on the proper targets. Too often do people decide to be like Rambo. This will accomplish nothing. The faster we burn a target, the faster they are out of the equation. The best way to use target assist is to have 3 different targets. A Hunter calling ranged targets, a Guardian/Champion calling melee targets and the raid leader calling out full raid attacks.

4. DON’T BE SCARED. There’s no repair bill if creeps kill you. There is a bill if an NPC kills you. But more than likely, if you die in the moors, a creep did it.

This next part covers classes within the moors. I must add that I’m not a master of all classes. Nor do I enjoy telling people how they should play their classes. But the moors can be a good bit different than PvE. Some of your skills may not have the same affects that they would normally do to NPCs. Fact of the matter is if the raid is to work well, then each class must be played respectively with the other classes.

Guardians - Your job is not much different than it is in PvE. You’re on the front line. You lead the charge. But most of all, you want creeps to hit on you. Mock them, jump around, get in their face. Stay out in front, but within range of heals unless you are charging. In that case, the rest of the raid should be following you shortly after. If the raid is not charging, stay back and fire arrows at the ranged target. You don’t do as much damage as a Hunter, but if you’re taking hits, then you’re doing your job.

Champions – It’s your job to make the charge brutal. From what I hear, a two-handed weapon is best for the moors because of the initial burst damage. You’re on the 1st line with the Guardians, but try to stay one step behind them. When the charge comes, sprint in there and start AoEing the melee target. Otherwise, try to stay behind the Guardian and shoot your bow at the ranged target while remaining within range of our healers.

Captains – You’re good fighters. But don’t be too hasty to charge. Pets won’t do you too much good in the moors. Banners are where it’s at. Keep everyone buffed. Try to work more as a secondary healer for the melee classes and keep them strong. Save your in-combat rezzes for Minstrels of coarse. Other than that, I’m not too familiar with the class.

Wardens – I’m still learning about them. From what I hear, they need to build up on a target. This can be difficult in the moors. But I can see how it would be affective also. Basically, wait for the charge. Stay on the 2nd line. Watch out of any creeps that may venture in and try to hit our 3rd liners, especially Minstrels. In the event of a charge, stay one step behind the Champions, or Guardians if the Champions pass them with sprint. When you charge, it may be best if you do not charge on the same target as the rest of the raid. Go straight for the weakest Defiler or Warleader. If they run, don’t chase them too far. Switch to the next closest healer and beat on him. This can disrupt the enemies healing greatly. Do your most damaging skills. You should be fairly safe, considering the Guardians and Champions will probably be hit on before you. But be ready to fall back with the Champions or Guardians if necessary.

Burglars – You’re mostly a protector of the raid. It would be nice if Burglars could play their classes like Wargs. But sadly, the creeps have pretty decent stealth detection. There may be a situation where you can sneak behind the enemy’s raid and pick off their healers. But this depends largely on the terrain. Other than that, use your Crowd Control. FMs actually work well in the moors. Try to stay hidden for the most part. Hiding our numbers can be a great advantage in our favor. If the raid plans to charge, you may be able to stealth closer to the creeps while the raid assembles for the charge. If you can get in close, stab the melee targets. Cause confusion within the enemy’s raid.

Loremasters – I know the Loremaster best of all. Stay on the 3rd line. If the enemy charges, root the melees in front. Drop tar often. Throw Windlore at Black Arrows. Watch for Reaver’s sprint skill to go down. As soon as it is down, mezz/stun them. Try to keep stun immunity on the Minstrels and stealth detection on the Hunters. Watch everyone’s power. If the Minstrel calls out that they are bubbling, be ready to throw them power. In the event of numerous Loremasters, focusing power drain on a single target(Healer) can take them out of the equation very quickly. I find the bear is the best pet in the moors, because his skills can come in useful at times. If you’re being attacked, have the bear stun them. Especially if you get stunned by a Warg or something, immediately have the bear stun them. HA HA Revenge! If you’re looking to take down a nearby target, the bear can lower their armor. The bear’s challenge is worthless in the moors. And watch your pets carefully around NPCs. Burning Embers is a good skill because it damages and slows. Light of the Rising Dawn is your main stun and best skill for finishing off a target because it is quick. Other than that, you know how your damaging skills work. Just use common sense. And being a secondary healer is important also. If the Minstrel calls out that they are being hit, be ready to throw life at them and Crowd Control whoever may be hitting on them.

Minstrels – Just like in PvE, you have the most vital role. And you also have the toughest job. Stay alive and keep every single person up. War speech is a big no no in a raid. Ironic eh? Remember, you’re squishy. Stay on the 3rd line at all cost. Don’t worry about causing threat, the creeps target whoever they want. Good ways to stay alive in the event that you are being pounded on are; Announce that you are bubbling and use Lay of the Hammerhand. The Loremasters should throw you power. Feint death works to the point where no Creep can hit you. But you won’t be able to heal or be healed. If you have Wounds or Fire Dots on you, Feinting Death may be a bad idea. Worry about healing yourself before anyone else. If someone has to die for you to stay alive, oh well. Use whatever permabuff skill will make your group better at killing. Watch out for any type of bleeding affects on your fellow raiders and try to spam heals on them. Minstrels should rarely be attacking. Try to save your Rally for other Minstrels. Other than that, it’s all very basic. You’ll probably die the most and have the least killing blows. But the raid will appreciate you nonetheless.

Runekeepers – I’m still not too familiar with this class either. But from what I hear, they can be DPS Juggernauts in the moors. But you are the squishiest of them all. So please stay on the 3rd line. You may have to rez in situations where the Minstrel is busy. Be ready to kill anything that comes within your range. And if you can be a secondary healer, all the better. ;)

Hunters – You’re the fire power. Keep traps around the raid. You may have to move up to the 3rd or even 2nd line at times to range down a target. But as soon as the target is down, move back to the 4th line. Your main targets should be anything that ventures too close to the raid. Your position will be determined greatly on whatever formation the raid leader calls out. One formation even requires you to be on the 1st line. You should also act as a rooter. If the enemy’s raid charges, shoot rain of thorns on the charging melee classes. Fire oil is always good. And tracking is important. Sometimes you may have to even track in the middle of a stand off if you are out of combat. Watch for the flank from the enemy. If a healer or weaker creep over extends from their raid, slow them first. Multiple hunters should focus Heart Seekers on the ranged target(Healers would be best). For the most part, you will stick to the ranged target unless asked otherwise. You’ll get the most killing blows by far. Just use your range to your advantage. Creeps want you to charge in with your swords. Try to avoid that.

I’m pretty confident that this would be the best ways to play your classes in an Ettenmoors raiding situation. Keep in mind what line you should be on. This is something that takes practice of coarse. But I feel that if we can perfect this strategy, we can be a force to be reckoned with within the moors.

Now a little more about formations.

You know the basic battle formation and where you should be standing. But situations can change very quickly in the moors. One common situation is a flank. This is when another force from the enemy is attempting to hit us from behind our ranks. In this situation, the raid leader will call “FLANK”. The 2nd and 4th line will swap positions. The 3rd line will stay where they are and cluster together as much as possible. The creeps are not very strong at AoE, so don’t be afraid to cluster. The 1st line will hold their ground against their original opponents and the 2nd line will now serve as the melee classes against the flanking opponents. 4th and 3rd line must quickly decide which group of opponents are stronger and face them. If the flank is stronger, 4th and 3rd line will face them. In this event, 1st and 2nd line must charge into the opponents, taking out heavy dps classes first. The 1st line will use the melee target assist, and 2nd line will use the leaders target assist. The 3rd line will try to keep still at all times. Flanks almost always lead to a wipe. But if we can catch it quick, this may be the best defense against it. Be aware of what you should do in a flanking situation.

Surprise attacks do not always come from behind. They can come from the sides as well. This can be even more complicated. If the raid leader calls “3 O CLOCK”, then the raid should try it’s best to make this formation.

The yellow being the original 1st line and the grey being the original 2nd line. If you are on the 1st or 2nd line and you are more on the right side of the raid, immediately face the opponents at 3 o clock. 3rd and 4th liners cluster. The front of the raid will stick to the melee target assist and the 3 o clockers will stick to the leader’s target. Once again, 3rd and 4th line must judge which opponents are stronger and fight them. This 3 o clock formation works vice verse if the leader calls “9 O CLOCK”. I know these formations will be hard to pull off when the time actually comes. Just try to have a good understanding of where you should be standing and listen to the raid leader. If we all have a good understanding of what we should be doing, it will help us greatly and make us a very strong force.

Another important thing to consider is formation of the enemy.

A good thing to know is that Wargs rarely stay in formation with their raid. Staying in our formation would be the best defense against that. If you see creeps charging, be ready for Wargs popping out of stealth around our raid. Most of the time, the 3rd line itself should be able to handle a few Wargs. But if it’s a big pack, the 2nd liners may have to assist. AoE like crazy. The 1st liners should rarely break rank for Wargs.

Freeps are often scared of a raid with a bunch of Black Arrows on the front line. In all actuality, this is the best window of opportunity that freeps have to wipe a raid of creeps. Black Arrows don’t go down too easy, but they can’t fight in close quarters. Watch for any flanks then 1st and 2nd line charge on the melee target. 3rd and 4th line stick to the ranged target, which should no doubt be a healer. Minstrels, be ready to keep people up as heavy damage to the raid is certain. In this situation, Wardens stick to the ranged target if it’s a healer. If it’s not a healer, then go for the weakest healer you can find. If the leader ever calls for his target, everyone hit on it.

A tougher formation to charge on is when Black Arrows and healers are standing behind Reavers/Spiders/Wargs. This is when we use OUR range. Everyone be ready if you hear the raid leader call “FORMATION X”.

Everyone will burn down the ranged or the leader’s target. This formation will probably be used a lot. But always be ready to get back to the original formation. If someone gets stunned while moving back in to formation, don’t try to be a hero. Get back in to line and then spam healing on them. You don’t have to turn to face them before healing, but try your hardest to get back in to your position before attempting to heal.

Other than that, I don’t really know what other tactics the creeps use.

This all may seem very tedious and unnecessary. But if we want a good strategy against the creeps, this is about it. And plus, if we can pull these formations off well, it would probably be scary as hell to the creeps. There will be situations when all the strategy in the world cannot save us against twice the numbers of your own. But I can’t recall any other group of freeps being so organized. Once again, none of this is necessary. You can play however you want and you won’t get fussed or anything. It’s all about having fun.