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Captain America the winter soldier movie review

Just recently, we have had Thor and Iron Man, and now there is Captain America the winter soldier. This is the sequel where Captain America is in modern time and it already gained a huge following from its first movie. Captain America has two main features of his outfit, the first is his shield and the second is his suit. This shield is impenetrable and is part of the main action when he is in combat. His suit is even more evolved with equipment and his ability to move even faster. This change also makes sense because it shows how the change in time and innovation makes a difference to the costume. His suit looks a lot cooler and he has more articles of clothing to complement his costume. The colors have a more mature tone and the appearance looks rugged. The dark color makes it more suitable for combat in the dark. Although the change is significant when we compare it to the comic book style that resembled a lot like the super soldier, fans still love the new change and it makes the story more realistic. This time he also looks more suited as a Special Forces operative for SHIELD.

As a sequel

This movie has earned a rating that is not common among comic book movies. There is a perfect balance between thriller, character drilling and full superhero adventure film. It was made with the marvel universe perspective in their point of view and also a lot about what is going on around the world today. The best part about this character is that he is the most relatable among the rest of the marvel movies. The limitations of this superhero are so well-defined and therefore the character uses the shield so profusely. The shield was never seen as an offensive weapon until this movie. In addition, this movie introduces newer characters apart from villains who is a Black Widow. It somehow indicates how she was originated and fans can get to expect the next movie being all about her. In addition, for the first time we get to see Nick Fury being vulnerable, so we see a very balanced role among these characters.

The Captain America Suit

Fans now really like the new appearance of the suit, which does not really compromise the patriotism feel from it too. The design is finally something that looks more sober and yet a good preference for mature audiences. One can now buy jackets made exactly like the ones we see in the movie and they are all practical. These jackets are custom-made with experts who can make excellent imitations as seen in the movie. The jacket will be made from genuine leather with high quality zippers so they remain durable and intact. It also has the protective collar design as seen in the movie, and no doubt, it will immediately remind people about Captain America. The textures from the front too give an impression that the owner might be ‘loaded’, which adds a lot to its cool factor.

Summary: Captain America the winter soldier is an exceptional movie that has a lot of connected plots. There is much more expected and the leather jacket he wore has been modified. If you intend to have something as good as that, you can finally have it tailor-made!