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I am a professional edutainer (Educational entertainer) I have been providing edutaining services to students of all ages and skill levels for more than 20 years and I am still passionate about my job.


I specialize in helping Chinese students learn English in an edutaining manner.


There are two ways to learn a foreign language, namely the linguistic way (treating the foreign language as a science subject) or the artistic way (treating the foreign language as an art subject).


We will explore the ways to learn English in an artistic manner.


Here is a good way to learn English with English one-liners


One liner 001:

If Adam and Eve were Chinese, they would eat the darn snake instead of the darn forbidden fruit.

如果阿當和夏娃是中國人的話, 他們會吃那條他媽的蛇而不會吃那個他媽的禁果

Mandarin pin-yin: ru guo a dang he xia wa shi zhong guo ren de hua, ta men hui chi na tiao ta ma de she er bu hui chi na ge ta ma de jin guo



One liner 002




I speak two languages: Cantonese and profanity.

我會說兩種語言: 廣東話和粗言穢語

Mandarin pin-yin: wo hui shuo liang zhong yu yan: guang dong hua he cu yan hui yu


One liner 003:


Wisdom is like a comb given to an elderly man but unfortunately he no longer has hair on his head.


智慧就好像給老人家的一把梳子, 可惜的是他已經沒有了頭髮

Mandarin pin-yin: zhi hui jiu hao xiang gei lao ren jia de yi ba shu zi, ke xi de shi ta yi jing mei you le tou fa


One liner 004:

America is such a society that pizza gets to your house faster than the ambulance.

美國是這樣一個社會: 薄餅速遞快過救護車到達您家

Mandarin pin-yin: mei guo shi zhe yang yi ge she hui: bo bing su di kuai guo jiu hu che dao da nin jia


One liner 005:


I ask God for a bike but I know God does not work this way so I stole a bike and prayed for forgiveness.



我求問上帝給我一輛單車, 但我知道上帝不會這樣做, 所以我偷了一輛單車, 然後我祈求寬恕


Mandarin pin-yin: wo jiu wen shang di gei wo yi liang dan che, dan wo zhi dao shang di bu hui zhe yang zuo, suo yi wo tou le yi liang dan che, ran hou qi qiu kuan shu


One liner 006:

Marriage has three rings: engagement ring, wedding ring and suffe-ring.


婚姻有三個環子: 定婚環子, 結婚環子 和 受苦的環子


Mandarin pin-yin: hun ying you san ge huan zi: ding hun huan zi, jie hun huan zi he shou ku de huan zi


One liner 007:

Politicians are the kind of people who pledge to build the villagers a bridge when there is no darn river.