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Playing Chess In Russia The Agony Of Victory


Russians have a thing for chess and, frankly, are very good at it. Being from San Diego, I thought chess was something you put photo albums in. Playing Chess Playing chess requires thinking ten or twelve steps ahead. If I wanted to understand the Russian mind, I had to learn to play chess. If nothing else, it would be a good way to pass the time. This I was told by Robert, an American living in the same town as me. I wasn t particularly excited about learning, but gave in one day after growing tired of staring out the window. I had seen the movie, Searching for Bobby Fisher . What more could I possibly need. How hard could it be. After beginning the game, Robert took pity on me after I apparently made some moves that were questionable. He explained why he was making particular moves and the resulting implications for my king. The game proceeded slowly while he explained strategies to his inattentive student. Then the magic moment occurred. I imagine every teacher suffers from the occasional embarrassment of being outdone by a student. I like to call it beginner s luck and invoke the empirical evidence at horse racing tracks...

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Do You Have It?


Carpal tunnel syndrome reached epidemic proportions in the 90 s and has now achieved a status equaling pandemic proportions in the 21st century. With carpal tunnel syndrome having such devastating effects on millions of people each year, how do you know if you or someone you know has it. With so much attention and hype the past 10-years concerning carpal tunnel syndrome in the workplace, you would think that a clear-cut picture would exist regarding the how s why s and what is it s of carpal tunnel. Although carpal tunnel syndrome should be easily recognizable with such extensive media exposure, you would be amazed at how many people, including a lot of doctors, who do not recognize the symptoms or misdiagnose it as something other than carpal tunnel syndrome. In order to provide a more clear picture of what carpal tunnel is, why and how it develops and what can be done to eliminate it, I have provided information below to explain the process so that you can better identify and therefore prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from taking over your life. The carpal tunnel is a passageway in which the nine flexor tendons, median nerve...

How To Cook For A Vegetarian This Holiday Season?


Are you worried about cooking for a vegetarian in your family this upcoming holiday season. Well, worry no more. This article will tell you exactly what you need to do and know before you start cooking this holiday season. You can start off by finding out what type of vegetarian your guest is. For instance, if she is a strict vegan, then there s a chance she will not eat food that contains honey or yeast; however, if on the other hand, she is a semi or pseudo vegetarian, there is a chance she will actually eat the meal as it is prepared, including the meat. And if she s a lacto-ovo-vegetarian,she might eat anything with eggs and milk, but will probably avoid meat dishes. If you talk to the vegetarian in your family before you prepare your holiday meal, you should consider asking the following five questions: 1. Do you eat certain types of meat or none at all. If the vegetarian in your family will eat certain meats generally fish, chicken, and turkey , then you should consider preparing that as a side dish or asking them if they would like to bring a small dish of it for their own meal. Will you use serving utensils that have...

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