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The Lazy Comic

Rather than having all the videos pasted here, I've decided to have you go directly to my YouTube account where you can view them. I get points added if you view them from there. You can either copy and paste this link into your browser's address bar... or click on the link below that says "My comedy rants on YouTube". Also, please help me to build a fan base, etc., by signing up as a YouTube subscriber, you'll know when I post new videos, and you'll help me to build YouTube points, etc. So, please... take the time and become a subscriber for "The Lazy Comic".

This page is under construction... kinda. Anyway, I'll post the YouTube stuff here and you can link it directly. I hope you enjoy my rants! If you want to send an email my way... watch the videos. The email address is posted within each one.

The Lazy Comic's Websites

My comedy rants on YouTube.
The folks who produce my videos.