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Accepted by many as cure to their ailments (even those that may be resolved through conventional medicine), this definition for alternative medicine may already be considered as obsolete. However, this definition is much abused by several authorities that have their own systems of beliefs and other things to support too.

Many practices and procedures are included in this broad category. An example of this is making use of a special dietary procedure rather than going through surgery or chemotherapy radiation in treating cancer. Alternative and complementary medicine is defined as varied health care and medical systems, products and practices that are not categorized as part of conventional medicine.

Naturopathic medicine proposes that there is a healing power in the body that establishes, maintains, and restores health. Naturopaths draw on many forms of complementary and alternative medicine, including massage. Since conventional medicine often fails to discover the cause of an illness or to relieve pain, many people turn to some form of alternative medicine.

Alternative medicine is further made complicated by the number of practices that are labeled as alternative medicine, which has some truths in them. In actuality, alternative medicine covers procedures involving metaphysical principles, spiritual.

Integrative medicine is known as a complete approach to patient care and involves body, mind and spirit. An example of this is making use of aromatherapy to make patients be at ease after surgery. Another example is the use of acupuncture to minimize side effects of cancer treatments in patients.

There are many forms of complementary and alternative medicine, too many to list here. Some of the more common ones are Aromatherapy, which involves the use of essential oils (extracts or essences) from flowers, herbs, and trees to promote health and well-being.