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Tuesday, 19 November 2019
How To Choose The Best Countertop

When working on your dental office design one of the details that needs attention is the type of countertops to use in various applications. If you've recently shopped for new countertops, you know firsthand how many options there are today. Although Quartz is making some inroads, Granite is still the undisputed champion of the countertop world. Granite Stone is most popular material used for building.

The picture of countertops is perfect. Granite countertops have variety and come in different patterns and different colours. You may want to select quartz for your countertops if sustainability is a priority for your home renovations. That being said, we have heard of people buying cheap quartz and having issues with staining because subpar ingredients were used in the slab creation.


A key advantage to quartz over granite is that it is a much more durable material due to quartz having an even amount of iron content across one slab so it is completely non-porous - making it ideal for cleanliness and maintenance. Quartz is actually the strongest stone not considered to be a gem — stronger than granite and non-porous.

Like a fingerprint, no two granite slabs will be the same. Here are more benefits of quartz countertops to people who have selected them for their homes. Just like any other building material, both granite vs quartz granite slabs and tiles have their pros and cons. Granite comes in many different colors and patterns due to the way it's formed (cooling and solidifying of molten materials).

Afterall home depot granite countertops reveals a traditional look and lasts long. Quartz countertops are non-porous by their nature, which means that they do not need to be sealed the way that granite countertops do in order to be stain resistant. The natural stone crystals are blended and heated to create the surface of the engineered stone.

Quartz has many advantages - it is durable, heat, scratch and stain resistant, non porous, requires absolutely no sealing, and is generally more consistent than natural stone. As mentioned, granite countertops are composed of quartz and other mixed minerals, which give each type of granite its unique color.

Granite is literally formed by Mother Nature, cut out of the ground in big blocks, sawn into slabs, and then polished to a shiny surface. The homes for many decades, they are proved durable countertops among all a Granite slab is placed over any countertop it starts complimenting the living space.

Posted by lanelemn719 at 11:11 AM EST
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