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My impressive blog 0225
Friday, 19 July 2019
Pruning Quince Trees Australia

When I got my first bonsai, I wrongly thought that it was a home plant, and similar to all my other pot plants, that it would be best if I kept inside. I should have been asking the question: What are the fundamental differences between the care of bonsai trees and normal house plants?

As time passed, and I was keeping my bonsai inside, little did I understand that the factor it was beginning to look ill, was that the tree did not like its environment. I found out the difficult way that most bonsai's are outside trees by nature. I did not know that only a few bonsai species will find that liing inside is to their taste.

Being a new comer to the care of bonsai trees, I was aware that there were numerous things that I needed to understand, otherwise I would remain in threat of eliminating my bonsai.

From what I had been informed, watering was obviously basic to the care of bonsai, and I was thorough with this however, as I was to learn, an area that is often ignored for novices is where to position their tree.

I was to discover that bonsai are extremely conscious their conditions which various trees have different requirements for light and temperature. In order to take care of bonsai trees, you need to learn where you must put your tree to keep it as healthy as possible. I was to discover that bonsai can be grown inside or out - however plants meant for the outdoors do not flourish well inside unless they are positioned so that they get the correct amount of sunshine and do not get either too hot or to cold.

I suggest to you that a person of the the first lessons that a new comer to the care of bonsai trees must discover is to identify what type of bonsai you have and from that you will have a much better concept on the best place for your particular bonsai.

Tropical or Indoor bonsai trees grow extremely well inside your house. Indoor bonsai trees are smaller ranges that do extremely well under within conditions. They do not have to go through winter or an inactive period.

Outside or temperate bonsai trees are usually bigger and are meant to be placed outside. Because they must go through an inactive period, outdoor types of bonsai do not do very well in the house. Plants implied for the outdoors do not do well inside unless they get the correct amount of sunshine and do not get either too cold or too hot.

It is also appropriate with the care of bonsai trees to understand that there are Deciduous trees (which shed their leaves) and Evergreen trees (which keep their leaves all year).

This lead me to find out that my tree was a dwarf juniper which is a resilient, non-flowering evergreen conifer which I had actually kept within, in a dark part of the house. I have actually since learnt that this tree likes to get a least 2 hours of direct sunlight a day and it does not like extremes of heat or cold. It was little marvel that I was not prospering with my care of bonsai trees. My tree was struggling as it Mesa Trees did not like its location.


I have a method to go to be a success with my care of bonsai trees, as there are a number of things to consider, but I have actually discovered the very first lesson as to whether I had an indoor (tropical) or outside( temperate) tree. From that, I know what is the very best area for my bonsai tree and what is matched to its private requirements.

Posted by landenvazk021 at 7:32 AM EDT
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