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It was said to have been the biggest ever gathering of Christianity. John Paul II’s funeral in Rome on 8 April 2005 saw over four million mourners gather in the city and billions more watched on television.

Such was the Polish Pope’s popularity that during the course of it, cries of “Santo subito!” (sainthood now!) were heard, so it’s not surprising that the Vatican seems to have bent its own rules and put the Pontiff on the fast track to sainthood, starting with the beatification announced in January this year.

Beatification follows proof of a miracle, which in his case involved a French nun cured of Parkinson’s disease (from which John Paul himself suffered of course). Sister Marie Simon-Pierre’s condition disappeared two months after the Pope’s death after she and fellow nuns had prayed to him, and according to some reports written his name on a piece of paper.

A second miracle will need to be proved for sainthood to be conferred, but in the meantime the faithful will gather again in the Circus Maximus the evening of 30 April for a vigil and a mass will be held in St Peter’s Square on 1 May to celebrate the beatification and re-interment of the Pope’s body. Tradition has it that Popes who are beatified are moved from the crypt to the nave of the basilica. The coffin will not be opened.

Rome is hosting the 13th FINA (International Swimming Federation) World Championships

Rome becomes quite warm during the months of July and August, but thinking about something cool and refreshing like a nice swimming pool is a good way to forget it.

Everybody visiting Rome during the summer should know that on July 17th the 13th FINA World Championships (the swimming World championships) will begin. The nearby Foro Italico has been enlarged with the construction of Roma09, a purpose-built village to house participants and visitors.

All disciplines will take place at Foro Italico except for open water events which that will take place in Ostia.

For last minute travellers who want to attend this event, Dolce Vita Villas offers Villas In Tuscany for rent in the heart of Rome, the perfect starting point both for the championships (the Foro Italico can be reached in 10 minutes from the city centre by tram) and to visit the splendid and eternal city.

Venice has joined Rome and Sicily villas in imposing a tourist tax on visitors to Italy’s most popular cities. It was in 2006 that the Italian government first allowed local governments to impose a tax on those using tourist facilities, but the first to break ranks was Rome at the beginning of 2011, with a maximum tax of €3 for those staying at the very best establishments per night for a maximum of 5 nights. The authorities expect the tax to raise €80m, which thankfully will be spent exclusively on the much-needed upkeep of the city’s wonderful monuments. Good to know that those few euros it costs you will be going to help maintain for example the currently free-of-charge Roman Forum.

Florence started on 1 July this year with a bit more painful €5 per night, but at least those staying at the resting place of choice in my youth, the Michelangelo camp site, only have to pay €1 to enjoy as near as it gets to city centre camping.

Although Venice joined the party late, only 24 August (too late for the main season, methinks), it must be the city of canals and gondolas that is the longest-running candidate for the tax. Venice has a particular problem over and above other Italian and indeed world cities – it’s sinking into the sea. I remember the Venice in Peril appeal of the 1970s when the idea of a tax was much discussed, but I can only think that people then were so generous in their giving – we even had lessons on it at school – that the idea was not then acted upon then. We live in more austere times now.

I'm sure this will not be enough to deter most from visiting Capri villa rental and Florence Apartment rental. Rumor has it that there are some more villas coming on stream in Northern Italy later this year.For More Information about Dolce Vita Villas please visit here: