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Welcome to Tom Parker's Web Page

I am currently a student at Lincoln College. I am building my own web page for a class Introduction to Internet.
I have lived in Beason, Illinois all my life, which is located about ten miles east of lincoln.

As a student, I am studying to become a Pharmacist. After Lincoln I would like to transfer to Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville, Illinois to get my bachelor's degree in chemistry. Then I hope to transfer to St. Louis College of Pharmacy or University of Illinois at Chicago to finish my last two years to get my

After I complete all my schooling I would like to relocate somewhere down in the south like Florida. Then pursue my career as a pharmacist. I would then get married, and travel the world for awhile going on vacation here and there. But in the end settle all down with my wife and have kids and start a family.

You can check out my blog website at Cardinals Land
© Tom Parker, 2007