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This is the homepage of Ryan Powell

Navigation Bar

Homepage | Bio | Career | In class Form | Contact Me | Personal Project

Internal Navigation

Homework | Inclass | Javascript | Personal Project

Welcome to my homepage. on this page you will find links to my homework, images that I have found on the Internet, and other exciting items.

I will be updating and modifying this page many times.

Me The most basic block-level element is the paragraph element. The line break element is technically a text-level element, but it is included here in the context of formatting paragraphs. The code <p> tag defines the start of a new paragraph, and a closing </p> tag specifies the end of the paragraph.

Do you like my Homepage?


  1. First Week
  2. Second Week - Biography
  3. Third Week - web plan done
  4. Fourth Week - Career
  5. Fifth Week - bio pic done
  6. Sixth Week
  7. Seventh Week - Inclass Form

Helpful Web Links

  1. Google
  2. Facebook
  3. Encylopedia
  4. KCRG
  5. Kaplan
  6. Angelfire
  7. Web Monkey
  8. PHP Tutorial


  1. First Javascript
  2. Second Javascript

Personal Project