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.Best Knownhost Coupon Code - Voted by You!

I elected to utilize the promo facilities of Knownhost VPS last week. The shift was so much smoother than the uptime at our last host A2 Hosting that I suppose nobody even noticed that it was accomplished. Not being knowledgeable of what or how the shift of our website to the different hosting server was going to finish up, I was nervous about it and postponed the transition for months. But the move proved not to be a big deal, mostly because of impressive help from Knownhost. A2 Hosting had been my host for more than a year. Ineffective downtime and poor customer support were what we were forced to endure for the duration of our time with them. We stuck with it for two main reasons: cost and concern. The allegedly limitless (details afterwards) and very cheap plans that A2 Hosting made available were what tempted us to them. Our once a month fee didn't even reach $10. I prided myself in being computer-savvy but transitioning to a new web server was something that I was very apprehensive about. Increasing my uneasiness was that we also were required to shift from shared hosting to a virtual private server. I was a newbie with regards to hosting administration so imagined the transfer would be high-risk and take a lot of time. I've got a full-time law firm to manage, and no time to deal with with hosting operations.
We would have stayed with A2 Hosting in spite of its downtime and other lacks as we enjoyed their rate and we were nervous about this transition. But we not too long ago got a notification that we were implementing way too many resources on an unrestricted package. I still haven't understood how A2 Hosting believes we can use too much of our unrestricted resources. The push finally came to shove and A2 Hosting informed us we had one week to seek and move to another host. I chose Knownhost on a suggestion. This is just my own impression as its according to my own experience with Knownhost and cannot be regarded as a common public viewpoint because there may be people who may not feel the same. It's obvious why they are one of the fastest growing enterprises in the U.S. I can't endorse Knownhost enough if you are looking for a VPS or a dedicated server. I have no regrets utilizing Knownhost's assistance in the two years that I have been with them.

The charges are five times what A2 Hosting offered but as soon as we applied Knownhost's services, we could experience the big distinction. I was convinced by WiredTrees exceptional safety measures and support that we'd made the right move.. Within just a few minutes, I obtained a response for for my support tickets at Knownhost, while A2 Hosting took hours to do so. They even authenticated my order by giving me a phone call. (I was actually conversing with people over the phone!) It didn't require much time for the transfer to be carried out with one of the service staff directing me through every step from copying our old server, relocating it and our website names to the new one. All told, the entire operation was done in less than an hour. The trustworthiness of Knownhost's personnel is such that even someone who is not computer-savvy will easily comprehend what has to be carried out under their detailed guidance. The cross over from A2 Hosting to Knownhost VPS was so efficient that it's not strange no one was aware of it. We have zero regrets with our range of our new host, Knownhost.