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This information is not meant to be "legal advice". This is intended for your peace of mind as a Natural Born person under Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Which are your substantive unalienable Birthrights, secured by the Constitution and Deceleration of Independence.

But it is also important to overstand that the information on this page has been thoroughly researched and is based soundly on the Supreme Law of the Land, (Constitution) in spirit and in principle-being the nature of (the United States Constitution) of North America, under the Republic for which is stands .  The Constitution does not give your rights. It was put in place to secure your natural and pre-existing inalienable / unalienable Birthrights. 

Therefore, one would and should refer to the Constitution and its contents as a Contract with Government to Secure the Natural Peoples inalienable rights. Every Branch of Government-National, State, City, Town, etc., and the Officials of said Governments,  Municipalities, Public Offices,  etc., must take an Oath to Uphold the Constitution  to Secure Your Rights-refer to as, (The People). Municipal ordinances, and Statues, etc., DO NOT Supersede the Secured Rights of the Natural People set forth in the Constitution.