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CHAPTER 10 The height, length, and period of a wave depend upon ________. ALL OF THESE Waves begin to "feel bottom" when the depth of water is ________. equal to one-half the wavelength When waves reach shallow water, they are often bent and tend to become parallel to the shore. This process is termed ________. refraction The movement of water within the surf zone that parallels the shore is termed ________. longshore current Chesapeake Bay and Delaware Bay are ________.all of the above A ridge of sand projecting into a bay and often having a hooked end is a ________ spit A sand ridge connecting an island to the mainland or to another island is a ________. tombolo The energy that drives surface ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream comes from ________ prevailing winds A poleward-moving ocean current is ________. warm Because of the Coriolis effect, surface ocean currents are deflected to the ________ of their path of motion in the Northern Hemisphere. right The daily tidal range is LEAST during ________ tide. neap Fetch refers to ________ a large expanse of open water over which the wind blows and generates waves The horizontal distance separating successive wave crests is called the wave period. FALSE Tidal flats are submerged during ebb tide FALSE Although the Sun influences the tides, its effect is considerably less than the effect of the Moon. TRUE The energy that creates surface ocean currents comes from prevailing winds. TRUE The addition of sand to a beach has proven to be an economical solution to beach erosion problems. FALSE The Coriolis effect is greatest at high latitudes and diminishes toward the equator. TRUE Large circular-moving currents of water within an ocean basin are called gyres. TRUE The rising of cold water from deeper layers to replace warmer surface water is called upwelling TRUE