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Knights For Humanity

Knights For Humanity

Knights For Humanity
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Knights For Humanity

When the general public see the homeless, they will generally do one of three things. Dig in there pocket for change, put their head down and keep walking, or cross the street as not to be bothered. Sometimes a kind word or a caring ear with heartfelt advice can change someone’s life.

We at Knights For Humanity have dedicated ourselves to rehabilitation of the homeless and desolate. Our plans and goals include providing the basic building blocks our society requires for these individuals to get back on their feet, and back into our community with integrity and dignity.

These building blocks include:

1. Home Address.

2. Telephone Availability

3. Birth Certificate, and or State I.D.

4. Social Security Card

We offer assistance with job placement, and when that has been established, we offer assistance with them acquiring a place of there own. We also offer clergy services, individual counseling, as well as alcohol and drug treatment, and rehabilitation as needed on as individual basis.

During the transition period of these individuals that are receiving assistance they will be required to perform basic household chores, and help with the neighbors with basic neighborhood care. And or maintenance as physical abilities and experience allow.

I myself Gary D. McGowan, founder and president of Knights For Humanity, have been homeless and have fought daily to achieve the goals I have placed before myself, and with the help of GOD, family, and friends. I will succeed in my endeavors.

With your help we can work together to help others regain their dignity and desire to achieve through our example, and to show them society has not forgotten, and do care about each of these individuals, and goals and dreams they still have within them to achieve, and our belief in them that they can improve all of our communities with a combined effort from us all.

My brother has recently returned from serving our country overseas, and I have taken to heart the example that he, and service men, and women have provided for us. Our military men and women fight and die on foreign lands for our freedom with a motto of “leave no man behind”. If one soldier needs a hand the one in front gives it while the one behind pushes him forward.

Why are we so different here in our own land? When we won’t even spare a few moments to reach out, and help those individuals that need it most. This is a call to arms for those who feel the same as we do at Knights For Humanity. We are reaching out to these individuals who need a helping hand to pull them forward. We want you to get behind them, and help give the push forward, so we can carry on in our duties as brothers and sisters for humanity.

Thank you from all of us

Gary McGowan Founder/President

Contact Information

P.O. Box 39855

Redford, MI 48239

(313) 879-8132