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1) How are children selected for Camp Chance?

Teachers, guidance counselors, school resource officers, law enforcement officers and parents may recommend children who they think will benefit from attending the camp. This selection process is in place to ensure that the children who need the camp the most are the ones who attend. Each week during camp, children from different areas of the County are bused to the Camp in Port St. John. Approximately 50-60 children attend the camp each week for six weeks during the summer.

2) What activities do the children participate in?

The camp is designed to give the children a learning environment as well as activities that will be a first time experience for many of the children. We offer fishing, canoeing, rock climbing, ice-skating, games, movie day, arts and crafts and many more! On the educational side, we have motivational speakers, professional sports figures, health/wellness/hygiene classes; self esteem building, classes to resist peer pressure, and classes to teach the reality of drug and alcohol abuse. We offer field trips to the Planetarium and the American Police Hall of Fame to provide them with an educational experience at these locations.

3) How much does it cost for a child to attend Camp Chance?

The camp is free to all children who attend! Each child who attends receives a T-shirt, breakfast, lunch, snack and transportation to and from camp each day. The children participate in several field trips each week and guest presentations at the camp.

4) How is Camp Chance funded?

Camp Chance is funded completely by donations from the citizens and businesses of Brevard County. The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Police Athletic League, Inc. is the sponsoring organization of Camp Chance. BCSO PAL is a non-profit organization designed to promote youth enrichment in Brevard County.

5) How is Camp Chance staffed?

Camp is staffed by Sheriff’s Office deputies and civilian employees, as well as by police officers from various city police departments throughout the county. With the staffing being provided by law enforcement agencies and volunteers, 100% of all donations go directly to sponsoring the children who attend.

6) What can do to make a difference at Camp Chance?

Camp Chance is always looking for new ideas and volunteers for camp. We need people to help with the planning stages, fundraising, as well as working at the camp during the summer. We are always looking for new ideas for programs to run during camp and anyone willing to help out with the already existing programs we have.