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Last updated: 09-16-2013


 DATE POSTED: 09-22-2013

SURPRIZE DADDY!!! Hapi 8 weeks po.. :) sana like mo surprise ko. Sabi ko naman sau, I want to give you something na sana d pa nagagawa ng iba sayo.. kea here it is, well what else can I say.. sana lang we stay this strong.. I am very happy kasi nakilala kita kasi my life has changed since we became together and no other guy has done this to me. We are thousand miles away so I do not have much to give you exept for this efforts. Don't worry we will see each other soon & I promise every single day is worth it. I Love You Asawa and God Bless the Both of US :) and our relationship...


DATE POSTED: 09-15-2013

It was so funny when I talked to KEL and he was with friends drinking. LoL. It was cute though, bcoz I know for a fact that I am not bothering him but he still affords to answer hes cellphone and talk to me for few minutes. I talked to one of his friends and It was the amazing feeling where your boyfriend let you meet his friends. I mean I appreciate it.


DATE POSTED: 09-14-2013

Called him at 5:34pm (CALI TIME) 8:34am in the Philippines. Weve talked for couple of minutes while he was cooking breakfast. Got low bat so we got disconnected.. called him again around noon in the Philippines he was fixing hes computer while I was so frustrated because of my ex. But then lets not talked about my ex.. hes not worth to talked about. haha. Hes words is so powerful, he gave me advise and listen, It was the greatest feeling ever. Felt good to have someone to listen and gives you advises. We hang up the phone around 2am (cali time) I love it. Thank you daddy.


DATE POSTER: 09-13-2013

Someone is drunk, slept in the morning and then woke up early.. Oh Ive talked to one of his friends. While he was drinking. Well just felt good that your like a part of the group. Im very thankful because he can finally let me talked to his friends while their having a drink. It just feels good. He slept around 8am Philippines time. :) WHew.. hes so sweet when drunk. LoL...



 DATE POSTED: 09-10-2013

Welcome to Keyzie & Kelly Blog Site.. :)

Were we can share our thoughts

together. The reason why I made this site because I was just thinking a surprise for our 8weeks being together. I know making this website would give people a negative feedback or a positive feedback because making this site is made our relationship more public. I had a long time contemplating weather I should make It or not but right now the decision was base on how he can be happy if I showed him this on our 8 weeks together so here it is :) and thank u for visiting as well :)