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Meaningful concepts I learned in CISW 11

Meaningful Concepts I learned in CISW11

    The first and most important topic that I learned in CISW 11, was basic HTML. While to most newcomers to the internet think that this will become dated with all the new technology, that makes it simple as a click of a button to create a webpage, I find it very useful. Getting to the core of what a website is, was fascinating to me. I knew about HTML before the class but I never dove into it and actually learned about it. It was always something I would look at and think that it was way over my head to understand. But once I got the basics down I can now look at source code for websites and make some sense of it. While I am no master at it, it is fun to mess around and create a free website and just toy with all the HTML tags out there. While I doubt I will ever create a website for my career choice it is something I might create for the family where we can all get on and find out what is going on with each other. Similar to a blog of sorts just for the family.

    The second most important feature I learned about was how online stores work. This is more down my line of work. It was interesting seeing how many steps there are for me to get the product I ordered. I always used to think that it was simple as when I go to the brick and mortar store and buy my items there. The book shows there are seven  differnet steps before I get what I ordered. But if you really start thinking about inside each of those steps is another step. You start so much movement by simply clicking your mouse and entering your credit card. You might actually create more jobs when you purchase items online. When you think about it, most of the products we order online do not come from the store down the street. I know some of my products come from overseas. When I look at the tracking log on a certain item I bought, it started off in China, went to Japan, Alaska, Canada, New York, Austin, Vegas, San Fransico, then Ontario. All of these places someone had the job of making sure my package made it to the correct destination. It was amazing, how many people handled my product before me. Whereas if I went to the store, about half of those people would have handled it.

    The third concept that I learned was the many ways of communicating over the internet. Before this class I had never heard of a listserv or newsgroups. These are interesting features of the internet that I would like to spend some more time on, learning about them. While I may never use them I would still like to know how they work down to the core. But that is just like me I want to break everything down to the simplest form so I can rebuild and understand it fully. I think I might want to join a few of these listservs and newsgroups just to see what they are all about. If I understand it enough I might try and create one for my friends.

    The final concept I learned in CISW 11 was the many ways of making payments online. I generally use my debit card for any purchases. While this is a generally accepted way of paying it is not the safest. I always thought that I was safe when purchasing from online stores. That was until I learned about HTTPS now I always look for the or a SSL tag before a purchase anything online. But back to ways to pay. An interesting way to pay is the digital check book. This is a way to get rid of your real checks and just keep your check book online while usful to some to me it really does not have the bang that I need. I have used PayPal before and while it was easy I for some reason did not trust them fully. But that is just me. I would much prefer to use my card where I can monitor all the it's actions online, through online banking. The digital wallet is another model but sadly it has not taken off like hoped for. The final model for payment online is the smart card. This is the one I am most interested in. I have not taken a good hard look into how this works but it does have the backing of Mastercard, Visa, IBM, Bank of America and some government offices. I do not know about you but with so many high profile backers I think it is a safe bet that this will take off here shortly.