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Kenya Tenants Association (KTA) is an membership-based association formed to address the  rights of tenants across the Kenya, with the aim of solving the problems they face and guard them from exploitation. This is achieved though the provision of free legal representation, assistance information, and referral  services directly to tenants by phone and face-to-face tenant counseling. We strongly believe that there should not be “sides” in a landlord tenant relationship hence our efforts towards working together with landlords for amicable solution and a better Kenya.


Our Mission is to educate tenants on their rights and responsibilities in relation to tenancy.


Our goal is to fight for the tenants’ rights across the nation and ensure that there is a legal framework that will advocate for the same. This grants all tenants a voice in making their issues known and their rights be highlighted to the government. One of the most important objectives is to introduce a system where the tenants will be charged on their rent fairly through our rental justification system which will protect the tenants from exploitation by the landlords. This extends further to caution the landlords against arbitrary rent increase, eviction, facility provision and most of all discrimination. At the Kenya Tenants Association, we believe in equal tenancy rights and proud our self in a just society where rent discrimination is a thing of the past.


We provide educational services to both members and non-members. KTA has become a clearing house for accurate, up-to-date, information that impacts both tenants and landlords.  This information covers a complete spectrum of rental property issues.

Together our organizations share a common belief that landlords and tenants both want the same thing:  A successful renting experience.  We believe that this can be achieved through helping both parties understand their rights and responsibilities under Kenyan Laws.