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Free dating services can be found nearly everywhere. Because there are quite a number of them, it is vital that we discuss each kind. In this way, we will know which ones would work for us and which ones won’t.

So what are the kinds of free dating services available? One of these is the online free dating service. The mechanics is relatively simple. You go to the website, fill out a registration form, and you’re set to go! Once you become a member, you are then allowed to make your profile. Remember to keep it truthful without revealing too much. You may also upload some pictures. Your profile then becomes part of a database that is accessible to all members of the website, just as you have access to their profiles too.

You may then be assigned a mailbox, where you can make emails and send them out to those whom you may be interested with. Here you may also receive emails from other members as well. You may choose to exchange emails and agree to meet in person.

These websites are practically safe because you don’t need to tell your credit card number, as there is nothing for you to pay. But still choose more popular sites, and you can always read, for example, Benaughty website reviews (2019), ask friends or in forums. The more reviews you read and the more opinions you hear, the more reliable your choice of service will be. Also, it is vital that you choose a secured web host. There are still some personal details that you need to tell, which may be hacked. Another kind of free dating service is through phone. The process is similar to online dating services, except that the mobile phone is used this time. For this kind of service, clients can send messages to each other without really knowing each other’s number. Mobile phone companies sometimes provide this service. But, it is more likely for you to pay as you send a message. In other words, the service is not absolutely free. Standard rates will still apply with respect to the text messages sent.

There is also the modern concept of speed dating. In this scheme, the same number of men and women are gathered in a place, giving them the same number of minutes or seconds to talk to each person of the opposite sex. After this, everyone shall fill up a form where they write their impressions on each person. If impressions between two people are similar, then a match is made. The couple then gets to talk and make plans to go on a real date or something. The excellent thing about speed dating is you are able to meet more people in just one night.

Of course, the ancient-fashioned source of free dating service is from a friend who’d set you up on a blind date with someone. While these may be tragic at times, blind dates are also another way to meet new people and develop relationships with someone. I’ve known of some couples who found each other through a blind date. My point is, don’t dismiss the thought outright. Keep your options open.

Free dating services are an fascinating alternative to traditional dating. While it can be a excellent start of something, it is vital for you to take caution. Reserve the particulars when you feel that you can trust the other person. Otherwise, never tell any details about yourself, your work, or where you reside. Lastly, if you want to build a lasting relationship, work on it.

Just bear in mind that the persistent suitor is like a persistent peddler because he has something to sell — himself. If you want to buy, then there is no problem. But if you don’t want to buy, sending him away could be trying.

1. Limit the phone calls. When he, calls, don’t encourage him to talk long. Tell him that you are too busy to indulge in idle talk. If he wants to say something which may be important to him, listen politely but do not ask him for details. That way he knows that you are only trying to be polite.

Use monosyllabic answers when he starts talking. And if he has nothing else to say that is quite interesting to you tell him that you want to do something else. Then say your goodbye and hang up.

2. Never be left alone with hint. When he comes to visit you at home, be sure that your parents are there. Make your parents’ favorite reading matters available and within arms’ reach. That way they shall be encouraged to stay with you when your suitor comes.

Entertain your parents first. If they do not feel like reading, turn on the TV set and watch their favorite program with them. Or else, talk with them and tell them all about your day and ask them all about theirs. By this you will surely make your suitor feel taken for granted that he will ask for an excuse to leave. Graciously show him the way out.

3. Projection of the strict image. Ask your father beforehand to ask him questions the way an investigator or detective does. Clue your father what to ask: educational attainment, family background, economic status, link to high society, and that sort of thing.

That way he gets the impression that your father is very strict and is concerned deeply with your welfare. Tell your father to project a “you’re-not-one-of-us-attitude”.

4. Never go out alone with him. If in case you go out dating with this suitor, never go out alone. This guy who seems angelic at first could be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

5. Show him you’re “biased.” During your dates or regular strolls with friends, point out to him things you’d like to acquire, telling him: “buy us this” or “buy us that.” Whether he buys them for you and your friends or not, it does not really matter. Enough that you’ve shown him you are “biased.”

6. Make him feel left out. Whenever you attend parties with this persistent suitor, make him feel left out. Go to your girl friends and chat with them for hours. When you glance at his – direction and you notice him frowning, go to him and tell him that you are with your friends. Ask him to get drinks for you. When he does, try very hard not to return to your seat. That way he will have to finish the drinks all by himself. When the host sees him do so, it could be quite humiliating for him.

7. Attend to your male friends. When you see your male friends at the party, see to it that you can keep a long conversation. When your persistent suitor sees you having a grand time with them perhaps he will get the message.

In attending to the other guys, however, try not to be a bore. You might monopolize the conversation and it is very embarrassing for you if they start to leave you one by one. Just see to it that you can participate in their conversation so that your suitor will see you enjoying their company.

8. The ultimate way: behave like a tomboy. If after such an incident at the party, he still will come and visit you, put on a boyish act. Behave like a tomboy.

If you can, ask a girl friend to be your date and go out with regularity. When your suitor sees you dating a girl, it will definitely turn him off.


There would really come a time when one could say, “Why didn’t you look first at those special dating site to look for a girlfriend? Have you not heard of it?” Online dating has become very well loved nowadays when it comes to choosing the perfect partner and finding the best date for you.

On the other hand, there are still those dating websites who would lure you into something you really thought is safe and would try to get their hands on your funds and bank account. There have been criticisms and reports from real members of dating communities.

To help you protect yourself from Internet dating scams and perilous sites, here ere are some questions to question:

  • Does the website require you to sign up and pay for a minimal fee for trial membership? If the answer is yes, this would really be very obvious for an dating scam unless they have special services, software gaming (for virtual dating/gaming website) or products which are for sale. The reason is this: why do you have to pay for a fee when the service could really be offered for free? Don’t do something impulsive as you could really waste your hard-earned money onto something which is absolutely bogus.
  • Is the website open for search of their active members and viewing of sample profiles? There have been reports of people who are into online dating where the member profiles posted by the dating website is really a front, a fake profile which was invented to lure them into signing up blindly. If you reckon that the members are really too excellent enough to be right and the photos of which you reckon were not “real and actual people who is looking for someone”, then trust your self and stay away from that website.
  • Does the company have their About Us Section, Company Information and Contact Numbers posted in their website? One excellent way to check on the website is to look for their company and web background first to make sure you are not into something which is really a sales pyramid scam, marketing membership, spam advertisements or worse, underground prostitution which could be really perilous and unnecessary.
  • Does the website require you to give your real name, personal information, real photos and valid contact numbers? If yes, then that is really excellent enough reason for you to feel assured to have other members also giving their real identities and personal information. On the other hand, it would still be best for you to still be on check as there are still those Internet frauds and online predators which would lie about their age, gender, nationality and appearance just to match up with a lot of people.

There are still a lot more questions to question when it comes to dating online like “Is it okay to lie about yourself?” or “Is it safe to find dates over the Internet?” and things like that. The very vital key here is to be right to yourself because lying about your personality and physical characters would really lead the incorrect dating partners which would always expect something more from you – those who would not really like the real you.