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Emergency Door Forced Open, Lion Air Claims Loss Hundreds of Thousands Dollars

Passengers who can not stand the heat, finally opened the emergency door in the Lion Air Sam Ratulangi Airport Manado, North Sulawesi. On this action, the airline claimed loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Passenger version, the door was broken into on the plane because the air conditioning was not on. There is only the wind that comes out of the air holes, but still hot. They were waiting on the plane for 45 minutes. There are some passengers who already overheated, almost fainting, including children.

When asked about this, Edward said, the heat inside the plane just happened because the engine is turned on. According to him, the atmosphere will feel cold after 20 minutes.

"My logic is not possible (they waited for 45 minutes). From an operational perspective is not possible and there is not an airport is congested, so driven straight road," he said.

Therefore, Lion Air does not consider these issues should be feasible if no action until forced open the emergency door. Therefore, any complaints can be submitted to the flight crew.

"If it's hot  the plane parked in the sun. Period we want to protest at the sun?" he asserted.

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