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Maintenance of video surveillance begins to understand that if you want to protect your home or business, you will need to not just install the camera and connect it to the monitor. Video surveillance systems consist of several technical elements. Typically, it is one or several video cameras, each of which is supplied a power source device for storing and processing information, power and signal cables and other equipment.


Depending on your wishes, the scale and the range of its objectives can be increased. Do not forget that this increases the cost of installation and forms of organization and features of their video services


Depending on the kind of video recording systems are divided into such types:


Operational surveillance - shows the image in real time and has a system of rapid response to unauthorized actions. This system presupposes the existence of a permanent operator who will observe what is happening on the screen. Such surveillance is better suited to serve the large administrative buildings, supermarkets and other facilities with security.


Independent video monitoring - a system that works entirely without any operator or require periodic monitoring of the observer. The main objective of the system is to record all the alarms, which can then be viewed and analyzed. This option is more suitable for video surveillance apartments for incoming personnel, cottage, garages, and small pavilions.


Combined video monitoring - are the video on-line and can record information.

Types of video surveillance systems


CCTV divided into two groups: the equipment with limited functionality and complex multi-system. Installing the latest more in demand, it is preferred to almost all the owners of large objects.


Analog Systems


This system consists of usually analog cameras and recording or reproducing apparatus. To fix the data they use a simple video recorder. It creates difficulties in maintenance of the system and lot of labor.


Combined Systems


Involves the installation of analog technology and digital technology, this device has some advantages over a purely analog devices. Firstly, the recording quality has consistently high. Secondly, they do not require frequent replacement of the memory on which information is stored. Third, their maintenance is much simpler.


Hybrid Systems


They work on the principle of interaction of analog and digital video equipment. They are often installed on large objects. There installation, respectively, is not cheap, but it can boast of high quality work compared with that of any analog or combined systems can not. The main device in hybrid systems is DVRs that are connected to different types of equipment. After the installation has been carried out surveillance information is stored within a computer network.


Wireless systems


Such systems are installed quickly and easily, since it does not require cabling. This video service in such systems is quite simple - the customer can change even the location of the cameras in the room. The disadvantage of the system is that the information is transmitted only over short distances. Therefore, they are more suitable for apartments, small shops and offices.

However, the installation of wireless system requires a Wi-Fi. Through a network of cameras connected to the computer and broadcast the image on it.




Video surveillance is a new trend on the market surveillance service. As a general rule, the installation of video surveillance is much different from working with all other control systems. In fact, IP-video surveillance is focused on the individual lines of communication.


IP-Surveillance has several features not available in other systems of observation. Thus, they can be used to recognize license plates, faces, etc. In addition, installation work involves image quality. For example, you can change the size and format of the pictures on completion of the recording, the creation of panoramic images, zooming.


In fact, video surveillance service is reduced only to controlling the operation of the equipment, as IP-based can perform many different tasks.

For more information: CCTV St Albans