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Get your Website in shape using On-Page Optimization

Following are some points that can help you to get your website in shape with the help of On-Page optimization.

1. Follow Long Tail techniques: Successful SEO techniques start by determining the suitable keywords. If you want to build supportable techniques, then focus on long-tail keywords. Blogs are a great way to go after long-tail keywords, so start creating content with a specific audience in mind, and you’ll do much more than just help your SEO.

2. Research Appropriate Keywords: Now use keyword research to get chance by looking at the search volume and competition.

3. Focus on One Key phrase Per Post or Page: You should focus on enhancing each post or page with only one key phrase. So instead of blocking key phrases into each page, extended them out by focusing each page on one topic.

4. Put a Keyword in your Title Tag: Typically the Title Tag of your website is among the most essential Search Engine Optimization factors. So use a good tagline, slogan, or key phrase earlier than using your brand name. For example: Title | Site name Or Key phrase | Site name

5. Use a Keyword in Your Page and Post Headline: You should also place a keyword in the headline of each page and blog post. Place it towards the front and don’t use over 70 characters in length. Write headlines that interest people, but that are also detailed sufficient for search engines.

6. Place your keyword in the Alt Attribute of a Picture: There is particular area on every blog post or page you create that should be enhanced with a keyword. One of those that are usually ignored the alt attribute on your images.

7. Have a Clean and clear URL: To check that in URL there are not an unwanted words, phrases, or strings of numbers. Make your URL as clean and clear as possible. Again, this helps people remember and share your work, but it also important in search engines by making your site easy and quick to index.

8. Usage Data: The usage data of your website also impacts on your Search Engine Optimization. So if you have a high bounce rate as well as people are not staying on your website longer than a minute, then you might have problems. 

9. Speed: The speed of your website also impacts on search engine rankings now. If you have a website that runs slowly with too many images and has other performance problem, then it’s time to start working out how to speed it up.