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the acne
Monday, 5 May 2008
Tips on how to handle acne

As seen in our previous articles Acne is basically a dermatological term used to define the encompassing of clogged pores, lumps and pimples that may occur anywhere on the human body (face, chest, upper arms or back). The skin is the largest organ in the human body. Like all other organs, proper care must be given to ensure it works correctly.

What we have to understand is that all this our organs are connected somehow. So, if one is affected it may be that we see the consequences also on the others, too. So, the acne problem may be also a message that something inside the body isn't functioning how it should. That’s why acne is not the only problem you have to consider, and a healthy lifestyle may be the key to a shinning clean skin.  

Take Your Vitamins. Vitamin C, B Vitamins, and Essential Fatty Acids have been proven to have a beneficial effect on creating, clear, healthy, balanced skin. Drink water sweetened with lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar, witch are known to balance the skin’s PH and detoxify your system. Consider also exercising regularly for good circulation and elimination of the “toxins” in your body. Also get plenty of good-quality rest and avoid as much as possible stress.

Posted by johndam at 2:53 PM EDT
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Thursday, 24 April 2008
A clean skin

We seen that a little bit of fresh air and sunshine (stimulates the creation of vitamin D in the body) between 10 am and 4 pm and avoiding the contact of your hair with the face are good for your skin. Let’s see some more tips on how to handle acne, acne treatment.


Perhaps we all should start with a good cleaning routine performed morning and evening will help keep your skin clean and help prevent further breakouts. It’s important to wash your hand and your face with an anti bacterial soap and using a mild bar soap or acne scrub or even benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid (not both at the same time!) if soap is not enough, but as said only once or twice daily. Do not overdo because over washing and over scrubbing yourself can worsen your acne by excessive drying witch will lead to more pore-clogging oil producing that will aggravate your acne problem.

Also use warm water (not hot) is better suited for washing the skin. Avoid changing soap frequently and cleansers that are harsh as it is a sure way to aggravate acne. If your acne is severe and over the counter medications are not managing it’s better to consult a dermatologist, don't be shy to consult a dermatologist; only he can analyze several factors and than prescribe you medications that will help deal with your acne depending on your severity and type of outbreaks.

Posted by johndam at 2:05 AM EDT
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Thursday, 10 April 2008
Acne prevention

Acne is an affection that occurs in most of the teenagers and should be properly treated so that the affected person could regain its confidence back and live normally. In order to avoid Acne from spreading or to prevent it from reappearing teenagers should follow some tips.

Sun is good for the Acne skin but not between 10 am and 4 pm. Take a sun bath in the morning for half an hour or before sunset. The sun is not just going to cover up the spots Acne has given you but it will also heal your skin faster.

When buying a sun protection cream read what it is written on the label of the product. If it contains PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) then do not buy it as it might clog up your pores and make Acne worse.

Avoid sweating too much or spending too much time in a wet environment as skin problems might get worse and Acne can appear.

Avoid the contact of your hair with the face, especially if you have an oily hair. Also keep your hand away from the face as you can bring germs to it and then pimples will form. If you like using hair gel or mousse and you have little pimples on the forehead do not use the hair products for a few weeks and see if there is any change in the aspect on your face skin.

Posted by johndam at 12:35 PM EDT
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