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My super blog 5007
Thursday, 17 October 2019

Unless you have been living under a rock, you know the importance of social media and how much of an influence it can be on our day-to-day lives. The population of viewers on social media started off relatively small, but as time has progressed, the number of viewers has rapidly increased. The complexity and diversity of the average social media scroller has also expanded. What it really boils down to is learning how to catch the attention of a user that has a limited attention span. The average user scrolls so quickly that if your digital marketing strategy is not up to par, then you are not going to be able to draw them in to click on your link or read your blog post. So how do you get more users to pay attention to what you are putting out there? The answer is not luck and it certainly is not through organic reach (although common in the earlier years, it just doesn’t cut it anymore). You have to have a strategy and you have to be willing to take the time and make the effort to really understand your users or else they will just keep on scrolling.

If you feel overwhelmed with all of this or you are just looking to have someone help strategize with you, then you absolutely must reach out to Miss Kemya. She is a Digital Marketing Strategist and Social Media Editor that has built her business by helping others build their business. The best way to check out Miss Kemya is to peruse through some of her many articles that are not only entertaining, but full of very valuable information. For example, you could learn the 6 important roles of social media in her article “What Is the Role of Social Media in Your Digital Marketing Strategy”. In this article she speaks to the ever-increasing pay to play platform, the importance social media content of having a proper social presence, the importance of gaining customer’s insights and so much more. You can read Miss Kemya’s article here:

Another insightful article written by Miss Kemya is “Post This Kind of Social Media Content to Get Eyeballs and Engagement”. In this article, she speaks about the global phenomenon of social media. She poses these three very important questions – What kind of things can you post online that can get people talking about something, what can you say that will make people discuss you and how can you get people interested in what you have to offer. This article has great tips about keeping things simple, the importance of video content, trending topics and how they play a role in attracting that busy scroller, memes, inspirational posts and so much more. These are great ideas for you to use when you are trying to strategize on your social media management and small business marketing. You can read Miss Kemya’s article here:

In conclusion, and as stated before, everyone knows the importance of social media and how it is part of so many people’s day-to-day lives. If you want to be a successful businessperson then you should harness this platform and take control of your success!

Posted by johnathanggoc712 at 9:55 AM EDT
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