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Cara Upgrade Android In the 1990s, Apple suffered slump in the past under the control of CEO John Scluley. Apple was trying to attract the founder, Steve Jobs, to return menakhodai companies. 

How to buy a computer company Next in 1997 valued at USD 404 million.Next is the company that Jobs founded after Apple dumped. 

This step proved to be very effective. In addition to the Next technology became the foundation of the next generation of Apple computers, the return of Steve Jobs made Apple experienced the heyday that lasted until now. 

In 1997, Microsoft acquired Hotmail, the email service is great at the time. The Aplikasi Android Unik acquisition value reached USD 400 million are categorized as fairly high. 

Hotmail became the largest email service for more than a decade. Since Microsoft acquired, the number of users and web traffic to Hotmail has increased fairly rapidly. 

Hotmail also integrated with Microsoft web applications like Windows Live Messenger Harga hp lenovo and SkyDrive. Unfortunately, Hotmail is currently in the stage of closed, replaced with Outlook.