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Devious Minds

Welcome to Devious Minds!!!


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The Attempt at Something New...

Welcome to My Attempt!!!

Well, I would like to start with WELCOME!! Yeah - I know stating the obvious.. right? LOL! This is really my attempt at something new. I'm currently stationed in Korea and I get bored - very OFTEN! So instead of drinking me life away - not that this website is really going to stop me from doing that. I love to drink... I do. So yeah - even us "perfect people" are flawed.

Second, I guess I just want to share with the world what it's like to be 22 years old, female, and in the military. Before I joined I was in college and now I'm just trying to get through day to day. I'm a little bitter about how all this has worked out for me. But I'm trying to get through the next four years as painlessly as possible. So I wanna use this website as my therapy that I can't get anywhere else. Hell - people you don't know can't judge you like the people who know you from day to day.

What's in a Name? From here on out I'm going call myself Devious.