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Spoiled boy with dreams of heroism. Do

Crossed the stream. He wondered what had happened to cause an emergency exit like this. He couldn't see much with the exception of the moon as it reflected off the surface of the stream. He didn't dare ask any questions right now. As he put his head google to the side, facing north, he saw what it was they were running from. Dotting the horizon from the north were the flaming torches of a mob. Whiteclaw had not gone unnoticed and now the citizens of Yorebrook were after them. The bears had crossed the stream and now began to run south at a ferocious pace. Evercloud kept his body low, to cause as little wind resistance as he could, but he kept his eyes on the flames. If he could not aide in the escape, he could at least serve as a lookout, and alert the bears if they were losing ground. However valorous Evercloud's sentiments may have buy instagram likes been, they were ultimately futile. These men had no chance against the speed of two full-grown bears and the travelers rapidly put distance between them and their pursuers. The bears had almost run all the way to the village of Hendrick before Whiteclaw called for them to stop. Enough, Riverpaw. We must take cover. It had been sometime since Evercloud could see the flames on the horizon. He umed that the villagers had given up the chase. The sky had become a little lighter during their escape and instagram Evercloud thought that he could now instagram see large clumps of trees and brush. Whiteclaw found one particularly dense group of trees and led the party inside. Once again, the travelers were shrouded in complete darkness. Sleep, commanded Whiteclaw. Make no sound. We will be safe. Evercloud rolled off of his uncle's back and curled up upon the soft ground. They were all quite exhausted and no one had the least bit of trouble falling into a dreamless sleep. * * * Father? whispered Riverpaw, his jaw agape. He stood, frozen, just feet from the mountainous bear as Evercloud woke. Whiteclaw stirred briefly and then yawned. The sun was now high in the sky and the party was no longer under the protection of darkness. Whiteclaw slowly rose to his feet, and as he did, Evercloud saw what had held his cousin petrified. Whiteclaw's face was matted in blood and there was a deep wound where his left eye had been. Tears welled in Riverpaw's eyes as he stared, dumbstruck, at his father. Whiteclaw looked back at his son with sadness in his one eye. Do you now understand, my son, why men are to be feared? The tears that welled upon the eyelids of Riverpaw never fell, but instead burned off in the heat of the young bear's rage. They will pay with blood! Riverpaw croaked. I'll rip the buy instagram likes flesh from their bones for what they've done! I'll crush their bodies to pulp! I'll-I'll– Riverpaw, said Whiteclaw calmly. They react in fear. I knew this before I went into the village. Why? screamed Riverpaw. Why? We have done nothing to them. We would have gladly bartered for clothes, were it not for their prejudices. We do nothing that they do not do themselves. We live our lives protecting our land and our families, no differently than they do, and yet they attack us without compion as if we were monsters. Does a man lose his eye for theft? Does he? I hate them! Riverpaw ran at the nearest tree and swung buy instagram likes at it with all of his frustration and rage. It splintered upon impact and