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Allison Eaton is an international teacher of Reiki, yoga and meditation. She teaches Reiki Certification Trainings and 200-Hour Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher Trainings. Allison is the author of the Reiki Flow Manuals and the Yandara Yoga Asana Manual. She is a kirtan musician and is featured in the guided meditation cd, “Sat Nam.”

Recent Student Testimonials:

“Words are insufficient to explain the wonderful experiences encountered during the Reiki Level III/Master Course. Not only did the course provide the “technical” advancement requirements in our Reiki journey, it provided so much more – it exemplified the Reiki foundations of true love, spirituality and personal growth, much more than expected. It is an honor to be a student, and now a friend of Allison – a Reiki Master Teacher who inspires by example – a patient, caring and loving light being. Her sharing and humor will stay with us on the journey.”– Steven Ibbotson, Brisbane, Australia.


“Trying to articulate my experience with Allison is like trying to describe love; at the end of the day, my time with her changed my life and lives on with each moment I breathe. As with everything Allison teaches, it is done with love and grace with a strong base in the understanding of what she is teaching.  She passes along to her students her knowledge and experiences as well as the “illuminating torch of Reiki”. Allison, you light up the darkest nights – freely giving your love. The world is a better place because of you.” – Sandy Pearson, Calgary, Canada


“What can I say, WOW! Allison Eaton Yoga absolutely exemplified the combination of Yogini, Leader, Professional, Spiritual Guide and Consummate Teacher. Her poise, presence, and undeniably uplifted energy were such a significant catalyst for my personal growth as both a teacher and as a human being. I cannot say enough regarding the clarity of integrity, the generosity of spirit and the unconditional love that filled our classroom each and every day. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Namaste.”