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Health benefits of Thai Sticky Jasmine Rice and how to prepare it

Sticky rice is also known as glutinous rice. Thai Sticky Jasmine Rice includes high levels of protein, as well as roughly 170 calories per cup of cooked rice. It also has various B vitamins, selenium, zinc, magnesium, copper, and phosphorous. This rice does contain fiber, but not as much as is found in brown rice and other forms of white rice. Sticky Jasmine rice is almost fat or cholesterol free. The health benefits of sticky rice include its ability to regulate diabetes, prevent chronic diseases, reduce inflammation, and optimize digestion.

Steps for preparing perfect Thai Jasmine Sticky Rice:

It can be steamed or boiled. This makes the rice very popular as sushi rice and for other dishes that are traditionally eaten with chopsticks. 

1) Measure two cups of rice in a pot and add three and a half cups of water in it. Let it soak water for at least half an hour.

2) Place the pot over high heat. Turn the heat to medium-low after it boils and cover the pot, leaving the lid slightly off on one side to vent. Cook for 10 minutes without stirring it.

3) After that check to see if the rice has absorbed all of the water and if there is still water, continue cooking for 5 to 10 minutes or until the liquid has been absorbed.

4) Turn off the heat with the lid placed on the pot securely. Allow the sticky jasmine rice to stand for 10 minutes before serving.