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At the end of the Modern Age, individuality's dominance over collectivism had reached its peak, demonstrated by the victory of free market capitalism over socialism and related communal productivity. Thus, when the Age of Exploration began, it became impossible for any nation-state to effectively control or claim any new territory on a planetary scale. Instead, this was orchestrated by a network of financial super-organizations initially, opening up to massive human immigration in their own time. Soon thereafter the old supranational and cultural identities of humanity had, for all intensive purposes, merged and melted together into larger, modern replacement states. For reference, the Age of Exploration is historically cited as beginning in 2021, with the launching of the USS Hercules, and ending in 2103, with the formation of the Coalition of Independent Territories (on Mars).

Extroverted, Free Market, Technocratic

Founded initially as a theocratic asylum for Muslim expatriates and refugees from conflict in the Middle East. This nation, referred to as "Imdihar", was primarily Turkish in ethnicity, and had filed with The Space Organization in 2061. A second generation of mainly secular, democratic Arabs arrived twelve years later, establishing the now-prosperous capital Beyt Rahim and contesting for political hegemony with the conservative Turks. By 2100, a modern democracy had fermented itself on Beyt Gala, allowing for the election of the great bureaucrat Fahkri Naraj and his social liberal regime of reformers. Under that administration, Beyt Gala greatly increased its presence on the intergalactic trade market, eventually establishing the nation as the virtual leader of commerce by the mid-2100's.

Standing: Power

While not exactly aggresive, Beyt Gala does maintain an extensive military presence, under control of the industrial conglomerates centered in Beyt Rahim. The spaceport Abd-al-Qasim is well documented as containing the largest space fleet in the immediate area. The nation does hold significantly successful relations with other planets, giving it a heavy reliance on diplomatic measures rather than interventionist military policies.

Military: Strong

Beyt Gala's population and culture reflect its standing as the most prominent of all Arab nations, essentially being the only Muslim nation of significance. While not containing a large amount of people, Beyt Gala does boast a unique culture, a blend of Muslim conservatism and secular, space-age modernity.

Population: Moderate