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Awareness is the basic necessity for you to purchase any item at a proper price. Only if you are aware of the market conditions, you will be able to strike a deal and stand to gain from the deal. So is the case, when you buy Swords online. The basic knowledge of the sword and swords market will help you buy or chose the right sword at the right price. The japanese swords for sale are other than those that truly belonged to the ancient times and qualify as antiques(they are actually few in number ) are forged using the traditional or modern methods of sword-making.

Guidelines you should consider


It is common for people to buy from a seller who quotes a lower price. But you must understand in the case of products such as swords that you probably, buy once in your lifetime and that which you would like to care for and maintain or put to use personally, you cannot be happy thinking that you have struck a deal just going by the price. You must be able to determine if the sword you have bought is a real one or a fake one? 

How to identify real Japanese swords

Real Japanese swords are made of carbon steel and not any other material including the stainless steel

A real japanese sword for sale should have been properly heat-treated

A real Japanese sword must be a full tang construction

A real sword should cost a minimum of $200-300

If the price is exceptionally low it is time you get wary.

Buy brands

Buying online is akin to buying blind. You do not know whether the japanese swords for sale are available ready-made, or if it is being sold by the manufacturer itself or if it is going to be outsourced once you order for it. Therefore it is advisable to buy the swords produced by reputed brands such as Paul Chen, Cold steel, and others as you can be assured of the quality.


The service provided by the seller includes responding to your doubts quickly, helping you in choosing the right sword. Redressing any problems in case the delivery is delayed and also ensuring that the product is packed appropriately to avoid damage.

You will get a fair idea about the seller and the Japanese swords for sale available by going through the reviews. Then choose a seller of repute.

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