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Japanese Ramen Noodle

Japanese ramen noodle originated in China and within a short span of time it became a hot favorite item in Japan too. These are basically hand pulled noodles that are dried under specific conditions to get that lovely texture. Once these are dried, flavors can be added. For all those who wish to add the flavors from the beginning, this can be done while the dough for the noodles is being kneaded. It is to be kept in mind that there is no alternative to fresh noodles, so one should not go in for anything else.

One of the most common noodle versions that are used as the Japanese ramen noodle is the Chukamen noodle. This noodle is made with wheat flour along with an alkaline solution that is usually termed as kansui. With these Japanese ramen noodles becoming more or less a staple item in Japan so many advancements and experiments have taken place. Now you can have noodles in different flavors, thicknesses and textures. Once you are done with the noodle part, you can shift the focus to broth.

Basic Traits Of Japanese Ramen Noodle

Some basic features of Japanese ramen noodle are:

             It is white in color

             The texture is quite thick

             Most of the ramen noodles are made from organic wheat that is soft.

             The adhesiveness of Japanese ramen noodle is high

             These ramen noodles are quite elastic and this gives them a pleasing texture.

The cooking time that goes into these Japanese ramen noodles is not more than four to five minutes. Cooking them is also easy as you just have to continuously stir them with or without a lid on. You just need to have a broth ready by in which these noodles are going to finally land into.