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SARA: Cydia Tweak for Siri Alternative

The SARA cydia tweak is an alternative to Siri. Both SARA and Siri are personal assistants and knowledgeable navigators that all iDevice users have come to know in the past few years. If you feel limited by Siri’s functions then another option available for jailbroken devices is the Tweak called SARA. SARA is said to bypass Siri by allowing the user to actually train the personal assistant SARA to take commands. The Vietnamese developers call this the open minded version of Siri.

How to add SARA to your device to substitute SIRI

Step 1) – Make sure you iDevice is jailbroken and continue to download Cydia

Step 2) – Launch the Cydia app on located on your home screen/springboard. Go to “manage” tab then select “sources”. Add the following URL into the “add sources” section

Step 3)now you will see three packages in the sources list once the source has been added. Install the package that corresponds to the ios device you are using.

Step 4) – At this point SARA should b installed on either you ipod touch, ipad or ipone and the icon will be located on the springboard/home screen.

Source/Repo: isoftjsc

Price: Free


            ·         Older iPhone devices to have an easier achievable version of Siri

            ·         The ability to teach a personal assistant to take commands

            ·         Setting reminders

            ·         Making phone calls upon being ordered

            ·         Available in 37 languages


As you probably know the SIRI is already equip within the newer version of the iPhone. Aside from the amenities Siri allows for, SARA has also been developed with the capabilities to learn how to take commands. The user can actually train SARA to do what they ask for. This feature causes users to consider SARA as an “open” mind electronic personal assistant.

SARA is also available in 37 languages making this option more advanced than Siri in yet another way. The issue found with SARA is that she does not seem to be as knowledgeable as Siri overall however is constantly evolving.

The main reason you would want SARA if move for entertainment value as its not as useful at finding the necessary information and up to date useable navigation features as Siri. Some users have stated that they effectively use SARA and some say that SARA is not close to as accurate as Siri this is mostly dependent on how you use Sara and comes down to interpretation.