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Rocket Designs

How to get them

My Favorite Web Sites Fun and games with other things to get you by
yahoo!- the best web-based e-mail ever!
google- good search engine and has great pictures
ebay- cool stuff to buy (pelleduster during october-march)

Here is one design right off if you don't want to go through the whole e-mailing thing Materials: 2 2liter bottles 1 role of electric tape 1 role of duct tape 2 CD’s ( make sure they are CD’s that you do not want) Clay ( for nosecone, doesn’t matter how much) PARENT MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE ADULT SUPERVISION. THAT’S A MUST Directions: 1. Take 1 of the 2liter bottles and cut the top off (where the seem is) 2.Cut the bottom off, the same bottle that you cut the top off. (make sure that only 1 of the bottles is being cut up) 3.Take the bottle that you didn’t cut and put the top that you did cut and tape it to the bottom of the other bottle. 4. take the middle of the bottle from the cut bottle and cut it in half 5. take the middle of the cut bottle and bend it so it forms a cone when that is done put a little tape on it so it holds (make sure it fits the bottom of the bottle) 5. 6. Now stuff the nose cone with clay. I will give you a hint don’t put to much clay or to little clay because it will tumble in the air. 6. 7. Put nosecone on the bottom of the bottle, that is not cut, and tape it on there (make sure the nosecone is straight, or your rocket will not go up straight) 8. Put that aside 9. take the CD’s and brake them in half (doesn’t matter how, as long as you have adult supervision.) 10. you can use 3 or 4 wings. Your choice. 11. take your circle template and draw lines for the wings 12. take your wings and tape them on the lines that you drew with the template 13. you are all done now and now you need to go build a rocket launcher. That is what I did. Or you can have you dad design and build you one. That is how you build your own rocket.
