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How K2 Incense Is Different From Herbal Incense?

When it comes to incense or potpurri products, there are two basic types. One type is made with pure and natural herbal products and the other is made with synthetic products. To make it easy, we can call them organic and non-organic incenses. In this post, I’m going to talk about the herbal incense, K2 incense and how both types of incense are different

What Is Herbal Incense?

As the name suggests, herbal incense is a potpurri product that is made by using pure and natural herbs. The main purpose of buy herbal incense is to reduce the stress, anxiety and depression. These products are also used by people who want to make their houses smell good. Since, herbal incense is made with the help of natural herbs; it has the tendency to make your house smell really good. In most of the cases, herbs from different parts of the world like India, Africa, China and Greece are collected and used in these products. The end result is very pleasant and amazing and that is the main reason why people are using these products in their homes.

What Is K2 Incense?

Now that we know about herbal incense and what they are, it is time for us to know about K2 incense too. Remember I talked about two types of incense/ potpurri products available in the market. The first one is made with pure and natural herbs and that is herbal incense (we already talked about it in the above section), the other product is made with synthetic ingredients. It means that the ingredients used in the other potpurri product are not completely natural because they have been prepared by using different chemical ingredients. It is also said that these incense products are not good for health as compared to herbal incense but people use them in their house because these incense products have a huge variety of flavors and smells. The synthetic incense is called K2 incense.

To differentiate between herbal and K2 incense, it is important for us to know how both products are made.

How Herbal Incents Are Made

A little part of how herbal incense is made has already been covered in the above section of this post but to make things clear, let me explain a little bit more here. The process starts with collecting different herbs from different parts of the world. These herbs are then combined together to make one product and that product is called herbal incense.

How K2 Incense Is Made

It is time for us to know how K2 incense is made. In herbal incense, different herbs are used and combined together to make one single product and same thing is done in the making of K2 incense but the only different is that, the products used are not natural herbs but synthetic ingredients. This kind of composition and combination yields a huge variety of smells and flavors for K2 products that is not possible in the case of herbal incense.

How K2 Incense Is Different From Herbal Incense

So, it is quite clear for all of us that how K2 incenses is different from herbal incense. The herbal incense is made with herbal ingredients but K2 incense is made with synthetic ingredients.