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Belly fat is the most dangerous form of fat. Not only does a bigger than acceptable waist line affect your look, it is also harmful to your health. Abdominal fat is not merely an issue for people who are overweight. Even those who are smaller in frame can have fat in their belly.

What causes abdominal fat?

Heredity is one contributing factor. Age is also thought to contribute to fat around your belly since as you age, your metabolism slows, and the extra pounds will build up across the stomach. Stress is also believed to contribute to abdominal fat by elevating the levels of cortisol in the body. But in most cases, abdominal fat comes from taking in more calories than you expend.

How can I eliminate belly fat?

Anyone who has attempted losing a few inches off the waist know how hard it is. While it can be difficult to do, there are ways to eliminate abdominal fat, and many don't need going under the knife. To know more about how to get rid of belly fat and african mango diet , please go to this website.

Crunches don’t work

Many men and women are convinced that exercises targeting the abdomen, such as sit-ups and crunches, will help reduce inches off the waist. In reality, such exercises just tighten muscles, and are not going to do anything about abdominal fat. A thousand crunches a day may get you strong abdominal muscles, but with a full layer of fat atop them, you will not get the results you desire. As opposed to crunches and sit-ups, focus on losing fat overall via aerobic exercise - ideally half an hour or more several days a week. Avoid sudden and drastic changes in your physical activity when you're starting with your exercise regimen. Start slow and build up. If you cannot endure running, you can do brisk walking, dancing, and bicycling, too. Brief bursts of exercises, like what is done in high-intensity interval training, is known to get rid of belly fat successfully. Strength training may also help you eliminate belly fat because building muscles will help boost your metabolism so you can burn off much more calories.

Mind your food intake

Reducing fat around your belly is eighty percent following a healthy diet. Lower calories by eating lean protein, veggies and whole grains instead of simple carbohydrates. It's also wise to eat fat (healthy ones, of course) as it requires fat to burn fat. Foods loaded with Omega 3’s such as salmon and avocado will help you stay less hungry during the day, so you will not end up with mindless nibbling. Also, you should drink water instead of carbonated drinks. You can also use African Mango supplements which are known to help reduce fat in the abdominal area. Click here for more information on using african mango weight loss.