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I am big smokers. I got many problems with the smoke. Even doctor has suggested me to quit the smoke. Smoking   gives many side effects to a person.  It can cause many harmful   disease like the cancer and lungs problems. I am smoking since 20 yrs and always tried to quit the smoke numerous times. I have tried boxes of gum, patches and other quit smoking paraphernalia. After trying so many times the maximum limit of quitting smoke is only 1 week.  As with any popular product there is top quality and bottom of the barrel and a huge range in between.

At that time one of my friend suggested me to take the E cigarette as per in exchange of tobacco smoke.  My girlfriend is highly allergic to nicotine and would have a reaction from my smoking even when I would go outside smoke, then wash my hands and raise my mouth with mouth wash.  My teeth are also get yellow by the excessive use of tobacco smoke. So I decide to use e cigarettes for my smoke. After using e cig I realized that my nicotine addictiveness has been reduced.  

There needs to be a more in depth FDA study on the product. In my own opinion anything that is going to make either big tobacco or the pharmaceutical company's lose money will be touted as unsafe or harmful to the masses. In the market there are many brands available for the e cigarette   they have different flavors like the strawberry, cherry, vanilla, chocolate. I take cherry flavor and purchase the V2 cigs. It’s a smoke free   cigarette with no burning ashes. Even My girlfriend is also happy with this smokeless cigarette. Then what else I want more that’s why I suggest preferring the e cigarette. The choice of your flavor and nicotine amount can be your best e cigarettes. And you can enjoy this e cigs in public place also. so enjoy its benefits for making a better life ahead