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This site is an on-going project where I can house my favourite recipes, most of which include essential oils, and for you to use at your discretion.  I'm no doctor.. so if you plan to use this site as a be-all-end-all for serious ailments, then you're stupid.

This site is intended to give you a boost for minor illnesses such as headaches, cold and flu, fatigue, insomnia, cold sores, canker sores, PMS, and many, many others.  Keep in mind that these can also be symptoms for more serious illnesses, and if they persist you really should get off the web, and consult a doctor.

Otherwise, I'm happy to share my recipes with you!  You'll soon learn that I'm a bit of a cynical witch, but it's all in good fun as concocting these remedies, and using them are supposed to give you a little boost in your day.

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The History of Kitchen Witchery in a Nutshell

Kitchen witchcraft has been around for thousands of years.  Long before Christianity invaded Europe, people lived off of what they could grow in their own backyard to eat, drink, treat ailments, and enhance their lives.  They grew their own food of course, but cultivated herbs, and oils from these plants were used to create remedies that we still use to this day, and may even find in modern pharmaceuticals.

There is a difference between kitchen witchery, then and now.  Once practiced in tune with witchcraft, the religion, or way of life, kitchen witchcraft was how people used their backyard and windowbox creations to use as an aid to both rites and day-to-day inflictions.  There may have been some spellbinding, reflecting on their spiritual beliefs.  People were more connected and respectful of their land and often made a blessing while concocting anything they made.  While some people who call themselves Wiccan or Witches in these modern times may still practice this while baking, cooking, or crafting anything, many others will dabble in kitchen witchcraft as a hobby, and instead call it Herbalism, Alchemy, or Aromatherapy.  People who turn to health food stores, or grow their own plants to cut costs or by simply making the recipes that work for them are still practicing an age-old tradition of kitchen witchery.  Though the word "witch" may put people off, it is what it is--kitchen witchcraft.  We've been doing it for thousands of years, and these techniques are tried and true.

This site is an on-going project, and I will be tweaking and adding recipes as I go along.  I have been wanting to create this page since 2000, but did not feel I had enough information to pass along.  However, after reading other pages over the years, I realize that yes, I do have something to contribute, and I hope you can find something useful to add to your own collection of home based remedies!

Live happily, and enjoy the goodness that the earth can offer you...
If not, piss off.
-The Itchy Witch