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will see a list of therapies currently being used to cure locks loss of females. Some of these drugs have not been authorized by the FDA for this particular application, however they have all been approved for other applications and are used " foligen    off label" to cure locks reduce. Currently 2% exterior Minoxidil is the only FDA approved therapy specifically for women style locks reduce. The effectiveness of these agents and methods will vary from woman to woman, but many girls have discovered that using these therapies has developed a positive difference in the character of their foligen of locks and their positive self-esteem. As always, therapies have the best possibility of being effective if they are geared to the cause of the locks reduce as well as to triggering development and development of hir. Estrogen and progesterone as hrt (HRT), usually recommended for women undergoing the the change of life for some objective, is probably the most favored systemic kind for the therapy androgenic locks loss of females. Oral birth control technique method will limit the produce of ovarian androgens, and thus can be used to cure women androgenic locks reduction. There are substantial aspects to avoid the use of either synthetic or bio-identical hormonal therapies for your locks reduce. Some dental birth control technique method actually contribute to locks reduce by triggering it or improving it once it's been activated by something else. Any personal woman may have a selective sensitivity to any hormonal combination- what is a low androgen effect system for one woman may be a outstanding androgen effect for another. I am no more able to suggest the use of dental birth control technique method or other hormone-based birth control technique to young girls. Decades of evidence suggest there are plenty of known, and possibly as yet unknown foligen and fitness hazards associated with the use of ANY from of reproductive androgenic hormonal or androgenic hormonal or testosterone, either recommended or over-the-counter forms. It is clear that the benefits of hormonal birth control technique method are accompanied by essential risks, such as developing it much more likely that a female every year hormonal imbalances that cause a big list of part results. Hormone replacement puts you are threat for: Depression or other mood disorders; decreased libido Migraines and foligenaches Breast lumps, tenderness and enlargement Vaginal bleeding between periods High blood circulation vessels stress level (hypertension) High cholesterol Blood clot in the leg, felt as: pain in the calf; leg cramps; leg or foot swelling Blood clot in the lung, felt as: shortness of breath; sharp chest pain; coughing up blood Heart attack, felt as: pain in the chest or heaviness Sudden lack of vision or vision changes, which can be a sign of a blood circulation vessels clot in the eye Cerebral vascular accident (a stroke): impaired vision or speech; weakness or numbness in a limb; serious foligenache Liver damage, seen as: yellow eyes or foligen; black urine; abdominal pain Allergic reaction: rash; hives; itching; swelling; difficulty breathing or swallowing Acne Bloating, nausea and vomiting Changes in your eyes