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           hello my name is josh. i made this website to expose the product    ezsmoker     for the scam that it is. everything about this company is a scam. my email is in the sidebar if you would like to send an email about your experience with ezsmoker.



i ordered the ezsmoker starter kit with the highest strength cartridges,i was told i would be charged $10.00 for shipping and that there were no further obligations. when i received the package i was suprised to find all of the following.

                my debit card was billed $50

                the cartridges contain no nicotine



i was specifically asked if i would like cartridges with no nicotine or with nicotine i said with nicotine.


i specifically asked if i would be charged anything past the $10 i was told no.




when i called the company and started asking questions i was told the following


me   "the cartridges you sent say they have no nicotine in them but the woman i spoke to while ordering said they would have nicotine in them"

them " someone must have misinformed you we do not have any cartridges with nicotine in them"   


there only proposed solution to the problem was an offer to send me fifteen more of there cartridges which would still not contain any of the nicotine i was promised.


me "why was my debit card charged $50 when i was told it would be charged $10"

them "were sorry sir one of our employees must have made a mistake"


me"what makes you think this is an ok,moral,or legal process"

them"i didnt say it was right sir"


there was a little more to the conversation but thats the jist of it. my experience with this company was less than pleasant to say the least.


needless to say i told them not to send me anything else and not to bill my debit card anymore.

but i wouldnt trust them to just not charge me anymore i cancelled the card and had a new one issued.